An Effective Gene Transfer?
With little or no regulatory requirments or scientific protocol, bioengineers have begun creating hundreds of new GE "Frankenfoods" and crops. Today an estimated sixty percent of all processed foods--from candy bars and tortilla chips to tofu dogsa nd infant formula--contains at least one genetically engineered component.
The Brave New World of Frankenfoods is frightening. GE food and fiber products are inherently unpredictable and dangerous--for humans, for animals, the environment and for the future of sustainable and organic agricaulture.

DNA molecules are the genetic instructions of life. Wedging foreign material in an essentially random manner into an organism's genome necessarily causes some degree of disruption and the diruption could be multifaceted.

Genetic Engineering is used to break down the natural boundaries that exist between species.
A designer "gene" gun blasting slivers of metal into an innocent soybean plant may sound like a futuristic and far-fetched way to ward off famine. So does subjecting defenseless stalks of corn to doses of high voltage electricity or bo?mbarding them with sound waves.These are just some of the techniques used by scientists in altering plant cell structures in the controversial research known as biotechnology.
A specially designed "gene" gun fires dozens of metal slivers like bullets at target cells. The tiny pellets, usually of tungsten or gold, are much smaller than the diameter of the target cell and coated with genetic material. While the shell cartridge is stopped in its tracks by a perforated metal plate, the metallic micro missiles are able to penetrate into living cells twhere the genetic material is then carried to the nucleus, where it is integrated among the host genes.

We must really question it when the scientists of Scandinavia who have the largest plant base data system in the world cannot identify the third molecule that Monsanto put into their Soy.
One is from the pansy plant, one is from a cockroach(????),
and the third was unidentifiable!!

The growth of genetically engineered crops is at an all time high!

And those harvests are filling the shelves of your local grocery store. Most supermarket items now "test positive" for the presence of GE ingredients. Genetically engineered canola, chicory, corn, cotton, flax, papayas, potatoes, soybeans, squash, sugarbeets, radishes and tomatoes are all grown for the commerical foods supply! Others such as strawberries, wheat, rice and apples are being planted on test sites!

What are you eating for dinner tonight?
Do you really know what's in there?
Free Radicals
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Name: JoAnn Guest
Email: [email protected]
Throughout Europe, a  growing number of scientists, officials and activists have sounded the alarm over bioengineered agriculture. Japan, the largest importer of American crops is now considering mandatory labeling of GE products.
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