Class 7 English

Grade 7 Language Arts

Our Anthology Book


Fourth Quarter, we will be putting together and publishing a book, containing the best of what we’ve written and favorites of what we’ve read this year.





You will contribute at least…


·        2 poems (20 lines or less counts as a poem)

·        1 short story (4 pages or more counts as a story)

·        1 nonfiction piece (2 pages minimum)

·        1 published piece (a favorite story, poem, bit of a novel, or nonfiction)


Remember, these are minimums. You can contribute more, if you want to.





Some Rules:


  • This will be a bound book.
  • You can be creative in your presentation…
    • pictures
    • fonts
    • handwriting
    • fold-outs
    • etc.
  • Any photocopies must be neat and clean!
  • Anything you photocopy must have a definite beginning and ending point. Please do not cut sentences in half when you photocopy.
  • Want to work with a partner on something? You can. Just meet the requirements above, in terms of pieces and length.


Choose pieces you are proud of, that are your favorites. Please do not choose anything that you happen to have, “just because it’s there”.


As usual, do only your best.


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