Reading Workshop is meant to be a nice thing, even a fun thing. It's NOT meant to be a drag, full of requirements and assignments that take the pleasure out of reading. On the other hand, you are also doing it for school, not for your private enjoyment. So I have to strike a balance. As your teacher, and because I'm curious...

I want to know what you're reading.
I want to know how much you're reading.
I want to know what you're thinking about what you've read.

To help me learn these things, I ask you to do to one or more SMART Activities, and to do one "Book Talk" this year.
(Also, you'll sometimes write Reading Updates in your journal.)

For your Book Talk, you will get FIVE MINUTES at the beginning of a Reading Workshop lesson this year to stand in front of the class and talk about any aspect of any book you have ever read, or any aspect of reading in general, that you wish.

Doesn't that sound easy? Actually, I know the problem for some people will be that the assignment is too big. So here are some ideas.

You do NOT have to choose a topic from this list! It's just to get you thinking about possibilities for your Book Talk:

Are you starting to get the idea? Be interesting! Be creative! Entertain us and amuse us or keep us interested for your five minutes, all on the topic of reading!




1. You must speak between 4 and 5 minutes. No more than that, and no less than that.

2. You can bring props (for example, at least, a copy of the book if you are discussion one...but also there are many other types of props to bring for creative Book Talk topics). Will props help your grade? Definitely! It's just the kind of thing I like.

3. Speak clearly and loudly enough for the class to hear.

4. You can prepare a paper and use it for your Book Talk, but you can't just read it to us, unless it is a selection from a book you're sharing.

5. You may not use the words "stupid" or "sucks" or any other negative-but-meaningless words. Also, you should avoid words such as "nice" and "good" that also are fairly meaningless. Try to explain more exactly what you mean, using clearer language.

6. Do only your best. You're only doing one Book Talk this year, so make it a good one.

When is my Book Talk going to be?
Click here if you are in Period 2.
Click here if you are in Period 4.

Click here if you are in Period 7.

Click here if you are in Period 9.

Can I do mine with a partner?
If you want someone up there with you to help you, yes. But everyone has to do his or her own Book Talk. Twenty-four talks will take us neatly through the end of the school year.

How will this be graded?
My least favorite question! Your Book Talk gets a grade like all the other Reading Workshop activities (take a look at the RW Grading Page for details): a plus, a check, a minus, or (in extreme cases) a zero. However, I have to count it more than any other of the marks in my grade book. So, it will count TIMES TEN. (That is, it will be as if it is a string of checks, or pluses, or whatever, in my grade book--ten of them.)

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