Some Ideas

(These ideas and more are found in topics 039, 040, and 041 in Write Source 2000.)




My worst day…An unforgettable dream…The hardest thing I’ve ever done…The one best hour of my life…A day in the life of my pet…A time I rebelled against authority…Something that almost made me cry…If I were in charge, I’d…What defines me as a friend…My favorite teacher…Someone in class I secretly admire…A time I said the wrong thing…A way I have changed since I was little…I get so mad when…My wish list…One of my favorite relatives…My coach…Someone I like to spend time with…My locker…My bedroom…An item from my childhood…How to make the perfect…Why I cheated…My definition of a good time…Something that’s unfair…Diary of a…A letter to the editor…Something that deserves our support…A time I got lost…A favorite place…Stage fright…The music I listen to…Heroes…Something everyone should do at least once…I hope that…Television…I interviewed…The most interesting thing I’ve ever done…Someone who overcame a great obstacle…Someone from history…A sport…My earliest memory…The moment I had been waiting for





Idea Table

Pick as many as you want, and write something that includes all of them.


a time machine

a hidden passage

a key

an argument

a fire

a dream

a phobia

an accident

the Internet

a restaurant

a barn

a power blackout

an explosion

a police officer

a cliff

a boat

a violent storm

a shopping mall

a cemetery

a diamond

a gun

a million dollars

a war

a bomb





Forms of Writing

It’s not just poems and stories…


Journals Logs Diaries Essays Poems

Myths Plays Short Stories Anecdotes Letters

Songs Jokes Parodies Reports Reviews

News Stories Interviews Editorials Comic Books Pamphlets

Commercials Sketches Research Papers Petitions Instructions

Novels Screenplays Radio Scripts





Poetry Forms




Read topics 233, 234, 235, and 236 in Write Source 2000 for lots of different poetry types.


Some Themes to Start With







P.S.—So You Think You Want To Be A Writer?

Check out these internet resources for professionals and want-to-be-professionals


INKSPOT is at http://www.inkspot.com(for writers of all types; soon to move to a new address)

BLACK ON WHITE is at http://www.blackonwhite.on.ca(for beginners, but not kids)

WRITERS WRITE is at http://www.writerswrite.com (links and information for professional writers)

And these sites have links to many other sites.


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