In a million words or less…

In a million words or less…

Tell me about your child!



Yes, you are getting a homework assignment. The reason behind it is that it takes us a great deal of time to know your child. Some we really never know. This activity gives you a chance to tell me what you think I should know about your child. I will read every one of them. I will not share your comments with any other person, including teachers, unless you tell me in your message that I can.


Your child is in for a great experience in language arts this year. It is a rigorous but doable class. The overshadowing goal of the curriculum is the achievement test in the spring… and preparing everyone for high school. My philosophy is best described as, all students have a gift. A unique and creative gift! My job is to discover it and help it grow.


This should be a very exciting and busy year. The key is communication. You will know everything your child is doing through my website This page gives you weekly homework assignments, some handouts from class, rules, guidelines, and much more. Take your time with this assignment, but there must be a deadline. Please return In a million words or less… by Friday, September 8, 2006. You can either send it with your child, or email it to me [email protected]. You can also find my email address on my website, or on McDowell’s website


Happy writing,



Erin Loughrige

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