Language Arts

Language Arts

Writing Workshop



Quarter: 1 2 3

(Circle One)


Please fill in a REASONS SHEET for EACH piece of writing you are handing in to be evaluated.


Title of the piece:_______________________________________________________________________

(If there is no title, you can just write “Untitled”.)


Type of piece:_________________________________________________________________________

(poem, short story, essay, play, novel chapter, comic book, etc.)


Why, according to you, is this a good piece of writing?

(Try to be as specific as you can. I know it can be hard to describe, but try to say why this is a piece of high quality, or why this piece of writing is important to you.)

































My conference partner for this piece of writing:____________________________________________


RYour final checklist:


£ I know that the grammar and spelling in this piece of writing is PERFECT.


£ I know that the content of this piece of writing is THE BEST I could make it this term.


£ I know that nothing in this piece of writing would HURT ANYONE’S FEELINGS I am aware of.


£ I know that the LANGUAGE in this piece of writing is appropriate for my class and teacher to read.


£ I have included this sheet on TOP, my neat final copy NEXT, and my draft(s) on the BOTTOM.



Your signature: ____________________________


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