Dear Parents,                                                                                                   2/3/03

     January was an exciting and busy month!  We had so much fun on the 100th day of school especially with our 100 year-old visitors.  I will have those pictures on our website soon!  The children really enjoyed eating and spending time with their families last Thursday on Family Day.  We also had a blast at Sports Day.  We played our best and had a lot of fun.

     We have a few things planned for this month.  Progress alerts will be going out this month.  Please be on the look out for them. 
                                                                                            God bless,
                                                                                            Mrs. Miller

Here's what is in store for this month:

Math Minutes with Mrs. Miller:
This month in Math, we will be finishing up Ch. 8, which deals with geometry, fractions, and probability, and beginning Ch. 11, which deals with addition and subtraction facts to 18.

In Ch. 11, the students will be able to:
1.   Learn sums of 13, 14, 15, and 16.
2.   Learn to subtract from 13, 14, 15, and 16, using related facts and other strategies.
3.   Add numbers with sums of 17 or 18 or less.
4.   Subtract from 17 or 18 or less.
5.   Check subtraction by adding.
6.   Recognize fact families for sums of 18 or less.
7.   Apply the order property and adding strategies to find the sum of three numbers.
8.   Solve problems by eliminating extra information.
9.   Solve problems by drawing a picture.

Extra!  Extra!  Read All About It!:
In Language Arts, we will begin Unit 5:  Information Finders.  The theme of this unit is that information comes from many sources.  We will be incorporating phonics and grammar skills within our stories.  There is not a word list for this unit.  Many of the children did very well on our Unit 4 test.  I am very proud of them.  They have been working very hard!

On the Write Track!:
Please continue to work with your child in writing.  Many of them are really improving already.  Some of them have very creative imaginations, which make their stories very interesting.  Ms. Powell�s 2nd graders came over to our classroom last week to help us with our writing.  They had a lot of positive things to say about our young writers and some writing tips for them.  We are learning how to edit our work on our sloppy copies before turning in our final papers.

From the January newsletter:
We will be writing a lot more as the year progresses.  There are a few things that you can do to help your child at home with writing. 

1.  Set aside a quiet place for your child to write. 
2.  Have different types of writing materials for them (ex. markers, pencils, pens, crayons, etc.)
3.  Give your child instructions on what to write or let them have a free writing time.

Your child can write a story.  Their story should include a topic sentence, at least three detailed sentences, and a concluding sentence.  Here are a few examples of story writing from first
graders.  This should help you see where your child is.

The writing prompt was:  Tell me one thing that you got for Christmas that was your favorite gift.  Write three things about it.  Tell me why it is your favorite.

The story has a topic sentence, 3 or more detailed sentences, and a concluding sentence.  Capitals and correct punctuation are used properly all of the time.  All words are spaced correctly.  All of the writing is neat and legible.

The best gift I got for Christmas was an air craft careere.  It has litse.  It lanchis little airplanes.   It maks sonds.  I cant wate to go home and play with it.

The story has a topic sentence that makes sense with two detailed sentences, which make sense about the topic sentence.  There is a concluding sentence that restates the topic sentence.  Capitals and correct punctuation are used properly most of the time.  Most words are spaced properly.  Most of the writing is neat and legible.

The best gift I got was a for welr.  It is cool.  I can put down the handol.  I can driv it and stir it.  It has for wells.  It is the best toy I hav.
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