Needs More Time:
The story has a topic sentence that does not make sense.  It has only 1 detailed sentence or sentences that do not make sense.  There is no concluding sentence or the sentence does not make sense.  Capitals and correct punctuation are rarely used.  Few words are spaced properly.  Writing is messy and hard to read.

The best gift I have is a doll for critmat.  I got And I have a umbrll for Critmas.  And a ball for critmas.  I had a

Another idea for writing is letting them write a how to paper (ex.  How to play a certain game, How to bake a cake, What makes a perfect friend, How to make a sandcastle, etc.) 

Jesus Shows Us His Great Love:
We are beginning a new unit in Religion this month.  Our goals for this unit are for the children to become familiar with the Paschal Mystery and for them to be determined to live as loving, active members of the Church.

100th Day of School!
Yea!  It�s the 100th day of school.  We have a few things planned for Tuesday, January 14th, to celebrate how many days we have been in school.  We are asking the children to come dressed to school as a 100 year-old person with their P.E. clothes underneath.  Next week's homework will ask for the children to bring in a collection of 100 small items and glue them onto a poster board in sets of ten.  A letter will be going out on Monday explaining this assignment.  They will need to bring in their collection on Tuesday, which will be one of our 100th day activities.  Please start looking for 100 small items.  Some example of items would be macaroni, pennies, feathers, buttons, beans, beads, etc.  Be as creative as you can.  Also, your child will need to bring in by Tuesday a snack that we can add to our DERDNUH (Hundred spelled backwards).  We would appreciate any kind of snack such as small marshmallows, m&ms, small pretzels, cereals, etc. that you might be able to share.  We will make a trail mix that amounts to 100.  Please help make this a celebration that we will never forget!

P.E. Reminder:
Since our schedule has changed to an earlier time on Mondays and Thursdays, we asked that the children continue to come to school dressed in their P.E. uniforms.  Thank you!

Some important dates:
*Please check with the school calendar for any other important dates!

1/14    (Tues.)           100th day of school.  Please have your child come dressed to
                                school as a 100 year-old person.      
1/15    (Wed.)            P.T.C. Meeting at 7:30 in the gym (Report cards will be distributed)       1/17    (Fri.)              Half-Day dismissal at 11:35 a.m.       
                                Parent/Teacher Conferences (1:30-5:00 p.m.)     
                                Book Orders are due
1/20   (Mon.)             No School (Martin Luther King Day)                        
1/27   (Mon.)             Catholic Schools Week Begins                                
1/31   (Fri.)               Half-Day dismissal at 11:35 a.m.                            
                                Shoeboxes are due for Valentine Mailboxes

January Birthdays:
There are no birthdays this month.

Scholastic and Troll Book Orders:
There are many books to choose from at very affordable and discounted prices.  Please only send in checks.  Please do not combine book orders and write one check.  Thank you!  Book orders are due by January 17th, Friday.

Looking Ahead:
In February, we will be making mailboxes out of shoeboxes.  Each child needs to bring in a shoebox by Friday, January 31st.  On Valentine�s Day, each child is allowed to bring in valentines.  Please do NOT address the valentines. 
Have your child only sign their name on their cards.  This will ensure that all children will receive a valentine from everyone in the class.  Please make sure that your child fills out their valentines before bringing them to school.  There will be no time for your child to fill them out in class. 

Wish List Items:
Fruit Loop cereal need by Tuesday, 1/14

Need by January 31st:
Pixy Stix candy (24)
11x 14 Construction paper (pink, white, red, black, and purple or assorted colors)

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at (813) 229-1322 or e-mail me at [email protected].

Thank you,
Mrs. Miller
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