Dear Parents,                                                                        November 4, 2002

I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween.  We all had a blast at our carnival!  First, we paraded around the track a few times to show off our costumes.  Then, we went to the carnival for food and games.  A few of our Snow Whites showed the Evil Queen (Mrs. C.) that they were not afraid of her.  You can check out their
pictures (double-click the word).You can  also see how the other children spent their time at the carnival.  After lunch, we all had Witchy Poo Brew, which included snake eyes, frog bellies, ants, earthworms, colored flies, and other yummy ingredients!  The children all had huge cups full while they enjoyed watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.  Thank you to all the parents that sent in goody bags for the children.  I think they will have enough candy to last them the rest of this year.

Here`s what is in store for this month:

Math Minutes with Mrs. Miller:
This month in Math, we will begin Ch. 7.  This chapter covers money and time.  This, too,  is another difficult concept for first graders to master.  Please help your child throughout this month in understanding these concepts. 

In Ch. 7, the students will be able to:
1.   Recognize the value of coins.
2.   Count on by a penny and a nickel.
3.   Sort and count mixed coins.
4.   Trade to find equivalent amounts.
5.   Match item cost to coins.
6.   Tell time on analog and digital clocks.
7.   Find and extend time patterns.
8.   Tell time to the half hour and hour.
9.   Identify activities that take about 1 minute and 1 hour.
10. Make and use a calendar.
11. Solve problems by using logical reasoning.
12. Solve problems by finding hidden information.

Some ideas to help your child with this concept would be letting them use money in their daily lives.  You could set up a system at home in which children have to earn pennies, nickels, and/or dimes.  Then at the end of the week, they could buy something from home like extra play time, favorite dessert, halloween candy, etc.  Try and make learning fun!  Let your imaginations run wild!

We're Proud to be an American:
We will be reading a story called
What is Veteran`s Day?.  We will be discussing
the meaning of some of our country`s symbols and why we celebrate certain
holidays.  We will be writing letters to the Veterans in the V. A. Hospital.

Grateful Gobblers:
We will be reading stories about turkeys and the first Thanksgiving.  We will also
be learning about Native Americans.  We will be making a few things this month to
go with our theme.  We are planning on having a Thanksgiving Feast with the second graders.  The first graders will be dressed up like pilgrims and the second graders will be dressed up like Native Americans.  We are  planning on having our Thanksgiving Feast on
the 26th of this month during our lunch time.  If you would like to donate any items, please let me know or Xenia Ossi, our homeroom mom.  Her number is #258-0618.  She has the list of the items, which we need.

Extra!  Extra!  Read All About It!:
We have started our new unit called Team Spirit, which is about working together as a team.  Please promote teamwork at home with your child.  This is still something we are all working on in the classroom and playground.

S.T.A.R. and A.R.:
If your child has passed the S.T.A.R. test and is able to read and take a test on an A.R. book, then please encourage them to do so.  We have had a few students take test this week on their library books.  I will be sending home their reports by Friday, 11/8.  Your child must read their book at least three times and comprehend what they have read.  We have just started the A.R. program.  We should be doing more after January. 

Reading Logs:
I am very proud of those students who are keeping up with their reading logs.  Some children are on their 2nd log.  Everyone by now should have completed at least the first log.  If you have but forgot to turn them in, please do so, so that your child can get a pizza coupon from Pizza Hut for a free personal pizza.

On the Write Track!:
We are really focusing on handwriting this month.  Each student has a special pencil in their desk.  If they are using their best handwriting on their assignments, then they get a hole punched in their pencil.  When they have gotten their last hole punched, then they get a special treat.  Please help promote good handwriting skills and posture while writing at home with your child.  I know they are all capable of having beautiful handwriting.

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