God is Our Good Father!
  This month, we will be discussing how God Our Father is Holy, how God Shares His Life with Us, how God Our Father Speaks to Us, and how We Pray to God Our Father.  Our goal for this month will be that the children will more deeply realize the great love God has for them and they will desire to pray to God.

Don't Forget!

Homework should be turned in every Friday.  Please make sure you and your child sign the homework sheet.  By the end of every week, your child should have read or been read to at least 4 books and recorded them on their reading logs.  Please try NOT to encourage your child to go ahead in homework especially if they go to after school care (ESD) or if they go to the Youth Center.  If your child attends the Youth Center, please make sure that they know that your child does have daily homework.

Behavior Folders:            
Your child's behavior folder must be signed daily in their colored box so that I know you
have seen how they have behaved for that day.

You will be receiving a letter to inform you which day and what time your conference will be to discuss your child's progress and first grade experience.  Conferences will be scheduled towards the last two weeks of September.

September Birthday
Happy Birthday to:
9/7:    Joseph B.
9/13   Christopher W.

Scholastic and Troll Book Orders
There are many books to choose from at very affordable and discounted prices.  Please make checks payable to either Troll or Scholastic.  Please send separate checks for each book order
even if it is the same company. Thank you!  No cash please!
Book orders are due by September 13th (Friday). 

Wish List Items:

AA batteries for our listening centers
Books with tapes for our listening center

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at (813) 229-1322 or e-mail me at [email protected].

Thank you,
Mrs. Miller 
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