ECT Lava Canyon Ride

Labor Day, Sept 3, 2007


(submitted by Aaron T.) This weekend in Mt St Helens was truly memorable. We started out with Sugatta, Carrie, and myself which is a comfortable intimate size. We then got two more folks joining in and headed up to the mountain for some peace. The first night we spent at a campground, and so that was less peaceful, however we slept alongside the lake and enjoyed a magnificent sky.

After heading out, we did some great hiking and connected with the streams near Swift Reservoir. After that we went to the staging area where the road to Lava Canyon was closed. This was perfect because since Rt 83 didn't loop around, the place was minimally populated. We had a challenging ride up to June lake and picked wild blueberries. Then we took a hike past the waterfall where I took a shower. The evening was peaceful and we talked late into the night.

Sunday dawned bright and clear as we packed up and rode towards Marble Mountain. There was a bit of a communication issue as I headed towards the road and thought it would join a gravel road to the mountain. We found our way around the river washout and headed up the gravel road to 3000 ft. The views of the mountain were just okay, but the peacefullness was awesome. I actually had the opportunity to ride Sugatta's 'SUV' bike down the hill and it was a unique experience. I now understand the mountain biking bug more than ever. As the evening approached, we bid farewell to our other companion Shaun and headed out to a remote trail for our final night of camping. It was a wonderful bonding experience to spend the night along a remote trail. We had more wonderful conversation and good food before laying down for the evening and enjoying the kaliedescope of the evening sky.

As dawn's rays stretched over the tree tops, Sugatta and I had some good conversation and when we were all ready, we hiked along the isolated trail. We saw amazin sights and picked blueberries and huckleberries. The peace was completely unbroken up to the point where we packed our campsite and rode down to the parkin lot.


13 of us gathered together on Brooklyn St and climbed aboard several vehicles for the trip to the Marble Mountain
snow-park which lies just below the road closure on Hwy 83 and is where we met up with the 3 who had camped out for a
couple days prior to our arrival. It came together nicely, just the way it was supposed to, due to Archer's logistical efforts.

(Click image above for more pics of Start)

The Ride

A road with no cars is an awesome and wonderful thing!
Two lanes of smooth riding with no fears of getting run over.

(Click image above for more pics of The Ride)

Washed Out Road

Most people may think of a washed out road as an unfortunate dilemma but it is thanks to this particular washout
that we were blessed with a vehicularly unoccupied road. We had been warned about the difficulty of getting through
this barrier but it was really no more difficult than lifting our bikes up and carrying them for 50 yards or so.

(Click image above for more pics of The Washed Out Road)

Mt. St. Helens

The views of the top of Mt. St. Helens were truly awe inspiring and seeing
it from the seat of a bicycle added so much to the experience.

(Click image above for more pics of Mt. St. Helens)

Lava Canyon

Two members of our advance scout party (actually just two people who had ridden on ahead of those of us
who were still too awe struck to leave the views of the mountain) came back with the bad news that signs were posted
stating that Lava Canyon was not open to the public. We discussed it and decided that the best way to deal with
bad news is to ignore it entirely, so we continued on our way to the top! We'd come too far to give up within such
close reach of our destination. The signs warning us of the possibility of our deaths
only served to amuse us rather than scare us off!

(Click image above for more pics of Lava Canyon)

Suspension Bridge

I'll have to admit that this was just a little bit scary! Archer and I were the first ones to reach
the bridge and I was contemplating crossing it when Archer began pointing out what she suspected might be structural
weakenings in the bridge and voiced her concern that the walkway itself could flip if careful balance
wasn't maintained. With those words in mind and visions of hanging from the cable by my hands as my body hung over the abyss
for those final few moments before I plummeted to my death, I got about a fourth of the way across and chickened out
and came back! Others from our group soon joined us though and after a bit of discussion one brave soul showed us
how it was done and walked across the bridge which soon started each of us tackling it in turn.

(Click image above for more pics of The Suspension Bridge)


This ride report would not be complete without mentioning Dawn's 5-flavored hummus feast
that was a huge hit with the entire group with the exception of one poor misguided
soul who labors under the delusion that hummus can kill you!
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