<BGSOUND SRC="Old_Time_Rock_and_Roll.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
This is my pool page....: )   I shoot pool on a Mixed League with Gene.

A little bit of history and my pool playing. I started shooting about 23 years ago, but you couldn't tell by the way I shoot. I don't use to much English,  I look at the object ball and where I need to hit it to make it go where I want it to go. I use the stop and draw back, if you call that English, and I try to leave the cueball close to my next shot. I don't really want to be a great pool player I would just like to be consistant. One game I can shoot, the next I look like I never played the game before...I may add I don't go practice too often either, the only times I shoot are during the league time, if I'm lucky I get there to play a practice game before we start.
  When I started having children, I thought *they* would be pool sharks, with Gene, and I both playing, but as it turned out, they really didn't hold a cue stick till they were old enough to go into the bars. Speaking of Gene, he is a very good shooter, gets alot more involved in it than I did, has been President of a few League's. Team Captain all the time. I think I was captain a couple times when we lived in Ft. Lauderdale. I have been on quite a few teams that have taken 1st Place Trophy's, My brothers see them in places and brag on me.....but it is a team effort. And I have been lucky to be on teams with some of the nicest women, men, and couples that play!!



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