Study Sheet for Test#1 Computer Application 1


Operating System – program that controls basic operations of the computer and helps run application software.


Applications – software that perform a task for the user.


Software – programs that run on the computer hardware.


Hardware – equipment that make up the computer system.


Computer system – the central processing unit and the peripherals that make up the hardware of the computer.


Central processing unit (CPU) – is the main component of the computer it runs the programs and found on motherboard and controls execution of programs.


Motherboard –The main printed circuit board in an electronic device, particularly a computer, which may contain sockets that accept additional boards ("daughter-boards").


Printed circuit board - A thin board to which electronic components are fixed by solder.


Peripherals – devices that attach outside of the CPU and the working memory.


Memory – where programs are stored in the computer.


RAM – random access memory erases when power off.


ROM – Read only memory, doesn’t erase when power off.


File – electronic collection of data.


Data – bits of information stored in computer.


Memory Sizes

Bit – smallest unit of memory represented with Binary Digit 0 = memory switch off or 1 = memory switch on

Byte = 8 bits, Kilobyte (Kb) = 1024 bytes, Megabyte(Mb) = 1024 Kb, Gigabyte(Gb) = 1024 Mb,

Terabyte(Tb) = 1024, Petabyte(Tb) = 1024 Tb


Know mouse techniques

Pointing, Clicking, Dragging, Right Clicking


Know how to resize windows

Minimize, Maximize, Restore


Know how to manipulate files and folders

Open, Close, Delete, Copy, Cut, Paste, Move, Find File Path, Create Shortcut



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