Computer Science 1


Course Title: Computer Science 1 (5 Credits)

Grade Level: 9th to 12th Grade

Prerequistes: Computer Application 1


Course Description

This course introduces students to basic computer science concepts and a builds a solid foundation in computer programming. Students need not have any previous programming experience or math skills beyond basic mathmatics. Instruction is provided in three of the most widely used professional programming languages today: Visual Basic, C++, and HTML/JavaScript.  Students course content will include the use of algorithms, data structures, and methodology to solve problems in several application areas.  With completion of the course students will be able to create computer programs in three popular programming languages and be well prepared to enroll in Downey High School’s AP Computer Science course, Graphic Programming course, or any introductory college level course in computer science or computer programming.


Student Performance

Objectives for this course:


Students will


  1. Learn basic computer science concepts.

·        Describe the various types of computer programs.

·        Describe the role of the operating system and programming language.

·        Show how the computer processes programming instructions.

·        Distinguish between high and low-level languages and interpreters and compilers

·        List and describe various common computer languages,

·        Write an essay on how to choose a programming language to program in.

  1. Using Visual Basic programming language demonstrate basic fundamental programming concepts.

·        Use forms, controls, and properties to create a Visual Basic Project.

·        Code events and set image properties by using the Visual Basic code window.

·        Program computations through use of mathmatical operators and functions following the order of operation rules.

·        Debug and and control handle run-time errors in programs.

  1. Using Visual Basic programming language demonstrate fundamental programming concepts.

·        Using data types, variables, and commands to create simple programs.

·        Create programs that use use string and decimal types.

·        Use the format functions and Selstart and Sellength properties to format output to specifications.

  1. Using Visual Basic programming demonstrate use of conditional and logical operators and If statements to create simple programming selection structures.

·        Use of nested If statements, option buttons, and Select Case statements to create more complex programming selection structures.

  1. By programming in Visual Basic demonstrate use of Do While, Do Until, and For Next statements to create iterative loop programming structures.

·        Show also how to create multiple forms to create forms like Splash screens and About boxes.

  1. Using of C++ programming demonstrate the following fundamental programmimng concepts and software engineering principals. 

·        List the general program structure of a C++ program.

·        Demonstrate how to enter, modify source code, compile, link, and run a program using a compiler and text editor.

  1. Using C++ programming show deepen understanding of data types, variables, math operations especially as it relates to overflow, underflow, and floating-point rounding calculation errors. 

·        Use type casting to help in the handling of mixed data types in calculations.

  1. Using C++ programming show use of  object-oriented programming methodology (Class, Objects, Instance, Method, Containment, Message, dot operator) through use of String Class and String Objects.

·        Using cin, cout commands, setf, unsetf, and various I/O manipulators create input and output streams to specification.

·        Show to flush input stream and how to clear screen and print hard copy of program output.

  1. Using C++ programming demonstrate understanding of selection strutures through use of relational and logical operators, if and if/else structures, nested if structures, and the switch structure.
  2. Using C++ programming demonstrate understanding of iterative loop structures through use of while, do while and nested loops structures.

·        Also show use of break and continue statements with in a loop structure.

  1. Using C++ programming build structured programs by dividing a program into functions.

·        Code the syntax needed to declare a function prototype and a function implementation in C++ to create structured programs. 

·        Show how to pass data to and get values from functions.

·        Show how to use various library, math, and character manipulation functions.

  1. Useing HTML/Java Script to create web pages.

·        Coding in HTML create hyperlinks, set font and page attributes, insert lists, graphics, and tables in a web page.

·        Using JavaScript learn how to embed <SCRIPT> tags into an HTML document. Use JavaScript objects and methods to enhance the apperance and functionality of a a HTML document.

  1. Using JavaScript show how to animate graphic images and text in a webpage.

·        Create a JavaScript slideshow.

Instructional Strategies


A.            Lecture, discussions, and demonstration

B.             Laboratory practice with microcomputers

C.            Reading assignments

D.            Written assignments

E.             Homework and programming assignments

F.             Use of available audiovisual materials

G.            Use of available community resources

H.            Field trips (when possible)


Instructional Units

(Based upon an 18-week semester)


Weeks           Unit


1          1            Course overview; basic computer science concepts.


7                2                        Visual Basic programming


6                3            C++ programming


3                4            HTML/Java Script


1                5            Review and comprehensive final exam



Student progress will be evaluated by:

A.    Completion and quality of assignments

B.     Class participation

C.    Test/Quizzes

D.    Homework

E.     Teacher Observation

F.     Teacher Evaluation

G.    Final Exam

H.    Final Project


Materials and Resources


Programming Basics Using Microsoft Visual Basic, C++, HTML, and Java.

By Knowlton, Barksdale, Turner, Collings, CEP, Inc.

Published by Course Technology ISBN 0-619-05803-X


Programming Basics Using Microsoft Visual Basic, C++, HTML, and Java.

By Knowlton, Barksdale, Turner, Collings, CEP, Inc.

Activities Workbook

Published by Course Technology ISBN 0-619-05800-5


Instructor Resourse Kit CD-ROM Package for Programming Basics Using Microsoft Visual Basic, C++, HTML, and Java.

Published by Course Technology ISBN 0-619-05800-3


The Secret Guide to Computers 28th Edition

By Russ Walter

Published by The Secret Guide to Computers


Java Version 1.1 by Sun Microsystems both JAVA API (Application Programming

Interface) and Java JDK (Java Development Kit)

Free down load from Sun Web site


Visual Studio.NET by Microsoft includes Microsoft Visual Studio.Net, Visual J#.NET


Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or higher with Java Plugin


Java Version 1.1 by Sun Microsystems


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