Grading Policy

Please see my website at to see spreadsheets of student academic grades and attendence.

Students will be graded using a point system. Points will be award for the following items.


Academic Grade

A.  Classroom projects 5 to 50 points each

B.  Homework assignments 5 to 50 points each     

C.  Tests/Quizzes 10 to 50 points each

D.  Final Project 100 to 200 points (approximately 10 percent of grade)

E.  Final Exam –100 points to 200 points (approximately 10 percent of grade)

F.  Attendance 3 unexcused absences may cause grade reduced by one letter level


Total of points earned divided by total possible equals percent grade.

98%-100%=A+, 97%-93%=A, 92%-90%=A-,
89%-88%=B+,  87%-83%=B, 82%-80%=B-,
79%-78%=C+,  77%–73%=C, 72%-70%=C-,
69%-68%=D+,  67%-63%=D, 62%-60%=D-,
below 60%=F

Citizenship Grade

Commendable = No unexcused absences and no tardies and Academic of Grade of A

Above average = No unexcused absences and no tardies and Academic Grade of B

Satisfactory = No unexcused absences and 5 or less unexcused absences or tardies and Academic of Grade of C

Unsatisfactory = 6 to 9 unexcused absences, truancies or days of suspension or an Academic Grade of D-

Unacceptable = 10 or more unexcused absences, truancies or days of suspension or an Academic Grade of F

 "Three single periods or single period and a block period of unauthorized
 absenses as the result of truancy in any quarter shall result in the 
 reduction of one grade level that quarter for that class or classes."
 (Downey Unified School District policy AR 2220.3 p.3)

 10 or more unauthorized absences as the result 
 of truancy will likely result in an academic grade 
 of F and a citizenship grade of unacceptable.


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