Alternative Sources of Energy Generation -      The Task
Dear Engineering Solutions:

We at Tri-State Energy recognize the limited supply of fossil fuels; thus, for some time we have been encouraging our clients to conserve energy. While conservation is an important step, at some point in the not-so-distant future we realize that we will deplete our supplies of fossil fuels and will be forced to rely completely on alternative energy sources.

In anticipation of that time, we would like to contract the research division at Engineeering Solutions to evaluate the feasibility of using perpetual and renewable energy sources to provide power for our clients in New Jersey, New York and Connecticut. We are particularly interested in solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, biomass, and nuclear power. If you are aware of other alternatives to fossil fuels, we would welcome additional information.

Your research should focus on these points: 1) how each of these types of energy has been used elsewhere in the country and/or around the world; 2) suitability of each for use in the tri-state area; 3) details about the potential positive or negative effects on the environment; 4) research the economic cost/benefit ratio.

Your report would be most useful to us in the format of a brochure, so that it can be submitted in final form to the Tri-State Energy Board of Directors. If this is not possible, we will require a written document and a display containing visual representations. In either case, you will need to include references so that your research may be verified.

In conjunction with this feasibility study, we would also like to contract your design engineering division to design prototype models of devices that would use alternative energy sources to supply power or would incorporate the use of alternative energy sources in the home. If possible, we would appreciate actual working models in addition to detailed drawings of your designs, which could be presented along with your research.

Our timetable for presenting your report to our Board of Directors is very short. We would appreciate a written update or a rough draft no later than one week from today, with the finished product to be delivered no later than two weeks from today. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact me.


I. Newton

CEO, Tri-State Energy, Inc.

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Name: NVOT
Email: [email protected]
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