Science Lab Safety Contract

Keep this contract in your science portfolio at all times.

One of the first things a scientist learns is that working in the laboratory can be an exciting experience.  But the laboratory can also be quite dangerous if proper safety rules are not followed at all times.  Following safe procedures is very important.  Read over the following safety rules.  Then read them a second time.  Make sure you understand each rule.

Dress Code
1.  Wear safety goggles when indicated and always when you are working with chemicals, burners, or any substance that might get into your eyes.
2. Wear a laboratory apron or coat whenever you are working with chemicals or heated substances.
3. Tie back long hair to keep your hair away from any chemicals, burners, or other laboratory equipment.
4. Clothing should not be loose.  Your arms and legs should be covered.  Do not wear sandals or open-toed shoes in the laboratory.

General Safety Rules
5. Be serious and alert when working in the laboratory.  “Horse play” is dangerous in the laboratory and will result in loss of laboratory privileges.
6. Read and follow all directions exactly as written.  Note any special warnings.  If you are in doubt about any part of the investigation, ask your teacher for assistance.
7. Never perform activities that are not authorized by your teacher.  Always obtain permission before “experimenting” on your own.
8. Never handle any equipment unless you have specific permission.
9. Never eat, drink or apply cosmetics in the laboratory.  This includes food, drinks, candy, and gum, as well as chemicals.
10. Keep your laboratory area clean and free of unnecessary books, papers, and equipment.
11. Spills will occur.  Report and clean up all spills immediately as directed by the teacher.

First Aid
12. Know the location and proper use of safety equipment such as the fire extinguisher, fire blanket, first aid kit, safety shower, and eyewash station.
13. Report all spills and accidents, no matter how minor, to your teacher immediately.
14. For chemicals in the eye, flush the eye with water for at least 15 minutes.  Shout for assistance.
15. For chemicals spilled on the skin, flush with large volumes of water for at least 5 minutes.  Report the incident to your teacher.
16. Burns should be treated immediately by putting the burned area under cold water for several minutes.  Report the incident to your teacher.

Heating and Fire Safety
17. Never use a heat source without wearing safety goggles.
18. Never heat a chemical you are not instructed to heat.  A chemical that is harmless when cool can be dangerous when heated.
19. Never reach across a flame.
20. Point a test tube or bottle that is being heated away from you and others.
21. Never heat a liquid in a closed container.  The expanding gages produced may blow the container apart, injuring you or others.
22. When picking up a container that has been heated, use a clamp, tongs, or heat-resistant gloves.

Using Chemicals Safely
23. Never taste or smell a chemical in the laboratory, unless instructed to do so.  If you are instructed to note the fumes in an investigation, gently wave your hand over the opening of a container and direct the fumes toward your nose.  Do not inhale the fumes directly from the container.
24. Use only those chemicals needed in the investigation.  Double-check the label before using.
25. Keep all lids closed when a chemical is not being used.
26. Never return unused reagents to the reagent bottle.
27. Be extra careful when working with acids or bases.  Pour chemicals over the sink, not over your work- bench.
28. When diluting an acid, pour the acid into water.  Never pour water into the acid.
29. Rinse any chemicals off your skin or clothing with water.  Immediately notify your teacher of any spill.

Using Glassware Safely
30. Never force glass tubing into a rubber stopper.  Your teacher will demonstrate the proper way to insert glass tubing.
31. Never use broken or chipped glassware.  If glassware breaks, notify your teacher and dispose of the glassware in the proper trash container.
32. Never eat or drink from laboratory glassware.
33. Clean glassware thoroughly before putting it away.

Using Sharp Instruments
34. Handle scalpels, razor blades, scissors, pins, and dissecting probes with extreme care.  Never cut material toward you; cut away from you.
35. Notify your teacher immediately if you cut yourself or receive a cut.

Handling Living Organisms
36. No investigations that will cause pain, discomfort, or harm to animals should be done in the classroom or at home.
37. Treat all living things with care and respect.  Do not touch any organism in the classroom or laboratory unless given permission to do so.
38. Your teacher will instruct you as to how to handle each species that may be brought into the classroom.
39. Treat all microorganisms as if they were harmful.  Use antiseptic procedure, as directed by your teacher, when working with microbes.
40. Clean your hands thoroughly after handling animals or the cage containing animals.
41. Wear gloves when handling small mammals.  Report all animal bites or stings to your teacher at once.

Clean-Up Rules
42. Clean your work area with a damp cloth after returning equipment to its proper place.
43. Wash your hands after every investigation.
44. Dispose of chemicals properly.  Nothing goes down the drain unless specifically recommended by the instructor.  Marked containers will be available for waste chemicals.
45. Do not take any materials from the lab without permission.


Signature____________________________________________________ Date_____________________________


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