Children's Reading Rights
Peggy Sharp 2001

Children have the right to read good books- Exposure to high quality writing will help children become critical readers, and help them learn how to select books that are good enough for them. 

Children have the right to gain something from the books they read, to take something away from their experience.  Books give children an opportunity to explore new worlds and learn new ideas. Provide them with a wide range of books that allows them to travel places they've never been, and see things they've never seen.

Children have the right to choose their own books to read. -Children need an opportunity to learn to select good books for themselves. By selecting both books that they like and dont like, they wiill develop the criteria for books they enjoy reading.

Children have the right to read books on topics of interest to them. While it is important to expose children to a wide variety of books, young readers need to be allowed to identify their own reading interests.

Children have the right to read both challenging and easier books. Children do not always have to read at their reading level.  Everyone likes to relax and not always be challenged when reading; children, too, need to experience relaxing reading.

Children have the right to read for fun- Children should have the opportunity to read a book for the pure pleasure of reading and not always be expected to take a test, write a book report, participate in a discussion or follow up  the book in any other way.

Children have the right to have stories read to them- Everyone loves to hear a good story. Children of all ages need an opportunity to relax, hear the language of a well-written book, and be entertained by listening to a story.

Children have the right to dislike some books- There are a few, if any books that everyone likes. There is no rule that says that everyone needs to finish a book once its started.  Give children an opportunity to stop reading a book they are not enjoying,.

Children have a right to read all kinds of books- There is no one kind of book that is better than others. Give children an opportunity to read light and silly stories along with serious, thought-provoking books to broaden the appeal of reading.

Children have  a right to read more than one book at a time.  It is not necessary to finish one book before beginning another.  Many people are interested in different kinds fo books at different times, and children need to have an opporttunity to select reading material that is appropriate for their particular reading need.
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