Super Novas' Team Information

smiling stars

Team Time:    1:15 - 2:00 p.m.

Room Number:    111

Phone Number:    391-6350

Team Teachers:    Bowrey, Hanssen, Mishra, Schrader, Scott, Stablein & Zavitz

We meet everyday during the above times.  If you would like to contact me, or the entire team of teachers, you may call and ask for room 111.  

General Information
We are working to make the end of this year memorable for students.

Dates to Remember for 4th Quarter:
May 5 - Mid-term reports go home with students

May 7 - Muffins with Mom @ 8:15-9:00 am in the Wood Cafeteria
My students, who introduce me to their Mom, will receive extra credit. Remember if Mom can't attend, students may bring another female adult relative.

May 7 - $50 and Permission Slips are due for our end of the year trip

May 25 - Trip to Great America - buses leave at 6:30 am SHARP!!
We will return at 9:00 pm. Have your rides ready as the school will not be open. If your student is not attending the trip, it is considered a regular school day, and they are expected to attend classes.

May 27 - Yearbook distribution to 8th graders at 3:30 pm

May 28 - 8th Grade End-of-the-Year Recognition Assembly - 9:30 to 11:00 am. Invitations will be sent home in the mail around May 15th.
If your student is being recognized, you should receive an invitation. If a student would like to be dismissed for the remainder of the day, their parent must check them out at the front office. Students will not be allowed to leave with friend's parents.

May 31 - No School - Memorial Day

June 3 - Last day of School - 2 hour early out

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