    Technology is important in the classroom and out of the classroom. Society is constantly changing and it is technology that is at the forefront of these changes.  Technology is found in a variety of sources, such as internet, televisions, computers, movies and more.  Over the past two weeks you have examined various lessons to determine whether you believe technology and media has a place in the classroom or not for yourself.

   We began by looking at commercials and how they influence consumers.  It is obvious that commercial media has a significant impact on our society today.  Hopefully, you were able to determine how impacting commercials are on your own life and realize what affects the media has on yourself.  In looking at commercials, the overall goal was to see the impact that media can play on your memory and on your own decisions.

    After looking at commercials we took a look at current events going on in technology.  There are a variety of articles you had to choose from to examine the views of other people and issues that have implications in education.  Looking at various articles and issues that pertain to technology in education should have helped in the development of your final arguements for or against technology in the classroom.

    By looking at the schools technology, it helped determine how impacting and how much influence technology has for your campus.  Although you surely found downfalls, you should have found some positive implications technology has on your learning experience.  Indeed, these assessments helped you to compile more evidence to support your side in the overall problem with the school board.  Technology is found in many forms in the classrooms.  One can find technology in overheads, computers, televisions, VCRs, slide projectors, microscopes, vents, and many other sources.

    Lastly, you were expected to compile all of the work you had done and determine which side you were going to take on the issue.  You should have answered whether or not you think that technology should be allowed to continue to be used in the classroom or not.  Several resources were provided for you to use to support your decision.  It is my hopes that you learned how to collect information, investigate a topic, write a research paper in APA format, understand technology better, and view the effects of such technology on the society today.

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