Lyndsey and her friend Pat

Lyndsey and her friend Pat

By: Katie Adam

This is a story that happened a long time ago, in a place far away. This place was called Windsor. Well there was this girl, her name was Lyndsey. Lyndsey had just moved to Windsor, and did not know any body. One day while walking down the street someone came up behind her, and pulled her hair.

"Ouch" Lyndsey cried, and turned around to see who had attacked her.

"Hi, my name is Pat, I live just down the street from you"

After that attack Lyndsey was scared of Pat, but she was also afraid that if she did not pretend to become friends with him he would cause her some sort of bodily harm. So Lyndsey and Pat became friends. They went everywhere together, the movies, shopping, to Lyndsey's house, and to Pat's house to.

One day after quick stop at Pat's house Lyndsey, and Pat were walking down the street when all of a sudden they heard a weird sound coming from one of the tree's. Lyndsey and Pat look up and they see a bunny in a tree.

"Ohhh look at the cute little bunny in the tree." Lyndsey exclaimed.

"No, bunny's are evil, and you dare think that bunny is cute. The bunny's you find in a tree are especially evil." Pat said.

With that he stormed off leaving Lyndsey all alone with the bunny which she named Sol.

After that Lyndsey never talked to Pat again, and he never talked with her either. But Lyndsey and her bunny Sol became the best of friends, living happily ever after. They moved out of Windsor to another small town. The town is too small to even have a name.

They are very happy together; they even had little bunny children. And every day Sol the bunny gave Lyndsey a nice rose. To remember him by if he was to ever die in an unexpected accident where he was to be hit by a car, run over and killed. So instead of her saving his road kill body she would be able to save all of the roses instead.

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