Katie's Fun Adventure At Mr. Tim Jiq4m's House

Katie's Fun Adventure At Mr. Tim Jiq4m's House

By: Lindsey

Once upon a time, Katie was walking down the street, and decided that she should go stalk her friend Mr. Tim Jiq4m. So, she dug into her purse, and got her record on Mr. Tim Jiq4m that she stole from the government to assist her stalking abilities. Katie walked to Mr. Tim Jiq4m's house.

"Lalalalala! I'm going to stalk Mr. Tim Jiq4m!!!" Exclaimed Katie.

Katie walked down the street some more, but then remembered that she left her beloved pet Bobbo the Shark at home. So, she ran back home at lightning speed and got Bobbo the Shark. Then, she ran back to Mr. Tim Jiq4m's house.

"Lalalalala! I'm going to stalk Mr. Tim Jiq4m again!!!" Exclaimed Katie.

Katie finally reached her destination. She knocked on the door.

"Knock Knock" said the door (well, the door didn't really say that, it just kinda� well� did that� anyways�).

Mr. Tim Jiq4m opened the door.

"I was expecting you!" Exclaimed Mr. Tim Jiq4m!

Katie and her pet Bobbo the Shark and Mr. Tim Jiq4m played Monopoly until Bobbo the Shark ate him.

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