
These are links to some pages that we go to during class when we're suppose to be working.

Tim Hortons-- Where Katie works, and wreaks havoc on unsuspecting customers.

Wal-Mart-- "So this is where people go when they die!"

Hotmail-- We have no friends, so in an attempt to look cool, we sign up with mailing lists so it appears that we get e-mail Lindsey's favourite page, because she's such a geek

Heather's Web Page-- The only person scarier than we are

Lie's Guide To Being A Celebrity Stalker-- Katie's favourite page

MuchMusic-- Its easy to stalk music celebritys here

MTV-- Its also easy to stalk music celebritys here

Lindsey's Home Page-- More insane ramblings by Lindsey

Dilbert-- Dilbert is good. Worship him!!!

Katie's Kick Ass Lil' Home Page-- Go here. Be Merry.

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