Where does music fit in my child's everyday school life?
  Your child is around music everyday in the school. Besides the general music classes, they are singing at school Masses, prayer services, and other important days such as May Crowning.  We offer tone chimes in 4th grade, chorus in 5th and 6th, and also a band program.

If my child is in Chorus or a group, do they miss class time?
No, they do not miss class time. Most teachers are supportive and respectful of the music program. The teachers will hold a small study hall or help session, and if they are in a small group they may do a small lesson. If there is a test, they are excused from my class. We all work together for the student to have the best experience.

How else can my child be involved in music?
Besides the above mentioned music activites, there are many other ways your child can be involved in music. There are some childrens choirs, commuinity theaters, and private lessons.

TONE CHIMES- What are they?
In 4th grade, the students participate in tone chimes. Half the class does the Christmas concert, and the other half does the Spring concert. They are like handbells, but bells are not "kid proof". When bells are dropped, the pitch can change.  These Tone Chimes prevent that. You can Click Here to learn more about the Tone Chimes by Suzuki
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