Jareth: "And Hoggle, if she ever kisses you, I'll turn you into a prince..
Hoggle: you, you will?
Jareth: Yes, the prince of the land of stench, hahahaha"
Yes, poor Hoggle!! But that statment always made me think of a new ending for this great movie (not that I didn't like the way it ended, rather, it inspired in me a new chapter, as it does many people.) "Price Hoggle" If Sarah ever kissed him? I always thought perhaps Hoggle was just a baby that had been turned into a goblin many a year ago, maybe one of the kids who's family didn't make it in time, or simply didn't care enough to attempt the labyrinth? Perhaps, Jareth was offereing him his human body back? (yeah! take that evil-step mother, I should have a date by now! hehe how about a prince!) I know! I'm an odd one, I never said I wasn't, but now, the new question, what would the new, human prince hoggle look like?
Of course......who would want to be a prince of THIS place?
Ludo: Smell baaaaaad!
So Who shall it be? Click the button below and tell me who you think the new hoggle should be!! Don't like your choices? Have a thumbnail of someone who should be prince Hoggle? Think YOU should be Hoggle(teehee, that will be amusing to see) Well, Click the button below and  show me!

(make  sure  you write somthing in the heading so I know what your talking about, like "labyrinth" or "New Hoggle" THANKS!!!!!)
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