Guys Are So Confusing!!

1. how they can get ready 2 go out in under 2 mintues- and still look so damn cute!
2. their amazing inaccuracy when it comes 2 hitting the toilet. (but when it comes to sports, they've incredible aim!)
3. why do they always think they can drive better than u (and every other female on the planet)?
4. why do they cross their arms and push up their muscles when they're having their pic taken. (like we dont notice?)
5. cops someone please explain how guys can watch that show.
6. cracking knuckles: is that just to show off- or does it feel good?
7. why are they incapable of gift wrapping?
8. why do guys love jumping into mosh pits? can u spell p-a-i-n?
9. why do they act like jerks when they wanna end a relationship so you're forced to break up with them?
10. they've probably never cried over a bad hairact. they dont even get upset about how it looks.
11. how come they dont ever gossip like us? (admit it, we thrive on a little news.)
12. why cant guys do script?
13. why do they love 2 play the guitar?
14. why do they wear their baseball caps backward? (and how come they look so hot like that?)
15. they can eat fast food for 3 meals a day and never get sick of it- or just plain sick.
16. if they're wearing shorts and boxers and they're sitting with their legs spread, u can see everything. do they mean 2 flash us?
17. why dont they need 2 carry a purse? where's all their stuff?
18. why do cute guys always drive jeeps?
19. why dont they hug another guy 4 more than a second? and they have 2 punch each other after!
20. we've never name our own band barenaked ladies (okay, maybe we would).
21. why dont they use calnders or write themselves notes? like they have such great memories?
22. why do they wish beavis and butt-head was back on mtv?
23. how come they dont have 2 pee as often as girls do?
24. whats with the short, hard-to-interpret emails (like, do they like u- or what?)?
25. dont they get dry skin patches? they never seem 2 use face moisturizer.
26. why do guys always lean up against the wall in a row when they're hanging out together at school?
27. how can they like going 2 gym class- and not care about smelling badly afterward?
28. the gross web sites guys log on to- like and
29. why dont they care if their butts look big
30. that they dont get headaches listening 2 metallica and dmx.
31. how can they remember all those baseball signals, but forget things like your b-day?
32. dip and chewing tobacco. whats up with that?! 33. why are they fascinated by lesbians?
34. why dont they always have footballs in their cars?
35. why do they all love tigger from the winnie the pooh?
36. why cant they talk on the phone for more than 2 mintues at a time?
37. that they're not totally embarrassed to um, go 2 the bathroom in public places.
38. why do guys call any movie not starring adam sandler or bruce willis a chick flick?
39. why they drive with their arm across the front car seat when there's no one next to them. sleazy!
40. why do they agree 2 go shopping with u- but then complain about it the whole time?
41. why they say gross things like "drain the monster", "spank the monkey", and "pinch a loaf..."
42. ...but when we try 2 talk about our periods, they cant handle it. whats the big deal?
43. why they think its cool 2 drive trucks that are at least four feet off the ground.
44. the wwf. no girl would ever watch two half-naked guys roll around on top of each 2 see who's gonna win, hello, its fixed!
45. goatees. enough said on that subject.
46. they'll eat any food even if they dont know where it came from, how old it is, or even if its stolen from someone else's lunch.
47. they think that any socks go with any shoes.
48. they would never ever in a million years think 2 check their horoscopes...
49. ...but they always check the sports page for some random athlete's batting average.

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