Need creative ways to pass a note? These are tried and true by yours truly!
If your friend is behind you, stick the note in your shoe and kick your foot back. Your friend can pull the note out of your shoe.
If your friend is across from you, fold the note up really small, cup your hand over your face, and fake sneeze. At the same time, release the note onto your friend's desk.
Hand your friend a pen, with the note under the clip
Crumple up a piece of paper. As you are going to throw it out, pass your friend's desk and give him/her the note. Then proceed back to your desk, and none the wiser
If you are allowed to have backpacks at your desk, leave the note in a secret compartment. Slowly slide your bag to your friend, and she will unzip the bag, pull out the note, and slide it back. This sounds like it wouldn't work, but it really does!
If you are allowed to have CDs at school, pass your friend a CD case with the note inside.
Pass your friend a book with the note tucked inside the front cover
After you pass in a quiz and you are still standing up, walk to your friend's desk, discreetly drop the note on the floor next to her, and go back to your seat.
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