Vol. I  No. 1 August 2001
English 11 CAI
Course Syllabus***Ms. Enderle***Room 200
Fall Semester!

Are you ready?  This semester is going to be great!  If you pay attention, involve yourself in class discussion and activities, and give your absolute best effort to homework and class assignments, YOU'LL SUCCEED!  As an important member of this class, it's your responsibility to try your best, ask questions, work with others, and share your ideas and concerns.

Read on to find out about what you can expect this semester.......

The Course
Being able to communicate your ideas  effectively through various media is essential for success in today's society.  The purpose of this class is to help you improve your skills in reading, writing, critical thinking, and working as a team while also enhancing  your technological skills.

During this semester we will be working on the following academic goals:

Reading: Read and understand American literature written in various genres including plays and novels.
Writing: Work on numerous composition skills including, but not limited to, essays, summaries, business letters, etc.
Technology:   Incorporate Word Perfect, Corel Presentations, Corel Draw, Internet, e-mail, and other media into classroom                               activities

Classroom Expectations
You are young adults and you will treat your classmates, textbook, computer, teacher, and yourselves with respect.  Additionally, headphone sets, gameboys, and calculators with programmable games are strictly prohibited.
The remainder of the classroom �rules� will be discussed during class.  However, the school requires that you:   Keep hats, food, and drinks outside of the classroom and the computer labs.

As you know, we will make use of various technological resources throughout this semester.  Any abuse of these resources (i.e. using chatrooms, looking at material unrelated to class research, treating the hardware improperly, etc.) will earn immediate referrals and possible permanent removal from the class.

This is an easy one--be here and be here on time.  I follow the school's attendance policies.  Exceptional circumstances may possibly override these consequences.

TARDIES: You're allowed a total of 6 tardies per semester.  The following actions will be taken when you begin reaching the max:

Tardy #3   detention          Tardy #4  referral                Tardy #5  teacher calls parent
Tardy #6  referral, detention, & failure warning             Tardy #7  referral & drop with an E

ABSENCES:  You're allowed 10 absences per semester.  The following actions will be taken when you begin reaching the max:  
Absence #7 referral
Absence#10 referral, parent called, & failure warning
Absence #11 referral & drop with an E
**Get all absences verified within 48 hours--after that they will be skips. 
Skips = detention.--See handbook.

Your grade will be based on written assignments,  presentations, homework, tests, quizzes, attendance, and participation. 

Coded grades will be posted weekly in the classroom.  It is your responsibility to be aware of your progress.

(adopted by W.M.H.S.)
A+ 99-100,     C 73-77
A 93-98   C- 70-72
A- 90-92   D+ 68-69
B+ 88-89   D 63-67
B 83-87   D- 60-62
B- 80-82   E 0-59
C+ 78-79

It is important for you to learn to manage time.  Therefore, you are expected to turn all assignments in on time.  In the event that you are unable to do so because of computer problems, forgetfulness, etc., you may turn in assignments one day late for 1/2 credit.  After that, a grade of "0" will be entered in the grade book.
Late assignments cannot be made up.

It is YOUR responsibility to make up missed assignments.  Make sure to choose a reliable classmate to collect handouts and inform you of the information that you missed.

Don't count on it.  This is a rare gift in this classroom.  If you don�t do the assigned work, then there is no reason for extra credit.  If you do the assigned work correctly, then there is no need for extra credit.  Although opportunities for extra credit may be offered, don't ask for it at the end of a grading period.

WRITING ASSIGNMENTS:  All writing assignments must be TYPED.  Hand-written papers will NOT be accepted.  Please do not make this your parents' responsibility.  If you need to use a computer, the lab is available almost every day before or after school.  Do not wait until the day before a paper is due to begin typing the paper!  If your ink cartridge runs outs (I've heard this one), your computer crashes (I've heard this one), your typewriter jams up (I've heard this one), or your bird eats your paper (I've even heard this one), you will have to take a 50% deduction.  After one day late, the grade will be a ZERO.

Copied and plagiarized papers, whether intentional or unintentional, are products of cheating.  Cheating will earn a grade of "0" as well as a referral and detentions.  I DO read EVERY assignment, so make sure that this authenticity will not be questioned.

ASK!  Don't wait until the day an assignment is due to ask questions.

In our classroom we work as a team.  It is very important for you to talk to me if you are having difficulty with assignments, or  feel uncomfortable with an activity, discussion, assignment, or other student.  I will take any measures possible to help you devise a solution.

**Due to technological difficulties, you should expect that a few times this semester you will have to spend time after school working on a project.

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