Anatomy and Physiology Vocabulary


1. cran: helmet. cranial: pertaining to the skull.

2. dors: back. dorsal: toward the back (tail).

3. homeo: same. homeostasis: maintenance of stable internal environment.

4. physio: function. physiology: study of body functions.

5. meta: change. metabolism: chemical changes that occur within the body.

6. pariet: wall. parietal: lining wall of a cavity.

7. peri: around. pericardial: around the heart.

8. pleur: rib. pleural: dealing with the lungs.

9. stasis: standing still. homeostasis: maintenance of stable internal environment.

10. tomy: cutting. anatomy: study of structure.



1. adip: fat. adipose: fat-storing tissue.

2. chondr: cartilage. chondrocyte: cartilage cell.

3. squam: scale. squamous: scaly tissue.

4. strat: layer. stratified: in layers.

5. pseudo: false. pseudostratified: appears to be stratified.

6. glia: glue. neuroglia cells: supporting cells of neurons.

7. reticul: network. reticular fibers: network of highly branched fibers.

8. con: together. connective tissue: tissue that provides support, fills spaces.

9. are: open space. areolar tissue: tissue that binds skin to underlying organs.

10. fibr: fibers. fibroblasts: cells that produce fibers.


Integumentary System

1. cut: skin. subcutaneous: layer beneath skin.

2. carcin: cancer. carcinoma: cancerous tumor

3. cyan: blue. cyanosis: condition in which skin has a bluish tint.

4. osis: condition of. cyanosis: condition in which skin has a bluish tint.

5. oma: tumor. melanoma: skin cancer.

6. follic: small bag. follicle: tubelike sac in which hair develops.

7. kerat: horn. keratin: protein produced as epidermal cells die.

8. seb: oil. sebaceous gland: oil producing gland.

9. sub: below. subcutaneous: layer below skin.

10. melan: black. melanin: dark pigment skin cells.



1. acetabul: cup. acetabulum: depression in pelvis receiving femur head.

2. ax: axis. axial skeleton: upright portion of skeleton.

3. append: to hang. appendicular skeleton: skeleton of the appendages.

4. blast: producing. osteoblast: cell that produces bone.

5. carp: wrist. carpals: wrist bones.

6. clast: break down. osteoclast: cell that breaks down bone.

7. condyl: knob. condyle: rounded, bony process.

8. osteo: having to do with bone. osteocyte: bone cells.

9. glen: joint socket. glenoid cavity: depression in scapula that receives head of humerus.

10. fov: pit. fovea capitis: pit in head of femur.



1. hema: blood. hematopoiesis: production of blood cells.

2. inter: between. intervertebral disk: structure located between adjacent vertebrae.

3. intra: inside. intramembranous ossification: bone that forms within sheets of connective tissue.

4. meat: passage. meatus: canal in a bone.

5. odont: tooth. odontoid process: toothlike process of axis.

6. poie: making. hematopoiesis: production of blood cells.

7. os: bone. ossification: the process of turning to bone.

8. skelet: dried body. skeleton: bony framework.

9. foram: opening. obturator foramen: largest foramen in body.

10. cribr: sievelike. cribriform plate: portion of ethmoid bone with small openings.



1. magn: large. foramen magnum: large opening in the skull.

2. mandibul: jaw. mandible: jawbone.

3. maxill: jawbone. maxilla: upper jaw.

4. menisci: crescent. meniscus: fibrocartilage in the knee.

5 pect: forearm. pectoral girdle: joins forearm to axial skeleton.

6. pelv: pelvis. pelvic girdle: joins leg to axial skeleton.

7. sinu: hollow. sinus: hollow cavity.

8. stern: breast bone. sternum: breast bone

9. tend: stretch. tendon: attaches muscle to bone

10. lig: tie. ligament: attaches bones to bones.



1. syn: together. synovial: freely moving joint.

2. arthr: joint. arthritis: inflammation of joints.

3. amphi: both. amphiarthrosis: cartilaginous joint.

4. ad: toward. adduct: to move toward the midline.

5. ab: away from. abduct: to move away from the midline.

6. myo: muscle. myofibril: muscle fiber.

7. fibr: fiber. myofibril: muscle fiber.

8. sarc: flesh. sarcolemma: cell membrane of muscle cell.

9. lemma: sheath. sarcolemma: cell membrane of muscle cell.

10. mer: part of. sarcomere: functional unit of a muscle.



1. circum: surround. circumduction: to move in a circle.

2. cleid: clavicle. sternocleidomastoid: neck muscle.

3. dys: bad. dystrophy: deterioration of muscles.

4. erg: work. synergist: muscle that works with prime mover.

5. hyper: above. hyperextend: extend beyond normal range.

6. troph: food. atrophy: muscle deterioration.

7. brachi: arm. brachial: having to do with arm.

8. rectus: straight. rectus abdominis: straight stomach muscle.

9. oculo: eye. orbicularis oculi: sphincter muscle surrounding eye.

10. sphincter: circular. external anal sphincter: closes anal canal.


Nervous System

1. dendr: tree. dendrite: tree like extensions of an axon that carry impulse to the cell body.

2. gangli: knot. ganglion: mass of nerve cells.

3. refl: bend back. reflex: autonomic, involuntary response.

4. mening: membrane. meninges: membrane that covers the spinal cord and brain.

5. axo: axis. axon: extension of a neuron that carries impulse away from the cell body.

6. cereb: brain. cerebrum: largest portion of the brain.

7. medull: marrow. medulla oblongata: lowest portion of the brain stem.

8. spin: spine. spinal cord: column of nervous tissue encased in the vertebral column.

9. neuro: nerve. neuron: nerve cell.

10. myelo: spinal cord. myelin sheath: covering of some axons that improves impulse conduction.



1. retin: net. retina: innermost layer of the eye.

2. rhodo: red. rhodopsin: light absorbing pigment.

3. scler: hard. sclera: outer white portion of eye.

4. tympan: drum. tympanic membrane: ear drum.

5. choroid: membrane. choroid: pigmented layer of eyeball.

6. cochl: spiral. cochlea: spiral shaped structure in ear.

7. olfact: smell. olfactory: having to do with smell.

8. opti: eye. optic: having to do with the eye.

9. lacri: tears. lacrimal gland: tear producing glands

10. vitre: glass. vitreous humor: jellylike substance filling posterior cavity of the eye.


Endocrine System

1. diuret: urine. antidiuretic hormone: prevents excess water in urine.

2. toc: birth. oxytocin: stimulates contractions of uterus and ejection of milk from breasts.

3. endo: within. endocrine gland: ductless gland.

4. exo: outside. exocrine gland: gland with ducts.

5. crine: separate. endocrine gland: ductless gland.

6. horm: excite. hormone: chemical messenger.

7. insul: island. insulin: hormone produced by pancreas to control blood sugar.

8. tropic: influencing. adrenocorticotropic hormone: stimulates adrenal cortex.

9. hyper: above. hyperthyroidism: overactive production of thyroid hormone.

10. hypo: below. hypothyroidism: underactive production of thyroid hormone.


Blood and Circulation

1. erythr: red. erythrocyte: red blood cell.

2. leuk: white. leukocyte: white blood cell.

3. thromb: clot. thrombocytes: platelets.

4. embol: stopper. embolus: blood clot that forms in the blood vessel.

5. agglutin: glue. agglutination: clumping together of blood cells.

6. ven: vein. vena cava: largest vein in the body.

7. cav: hollow. vena cava: largest vein in the body.

8. systol: contraction. systole: period when ventricles contract.

9. diastol: standing apart. diastole: period when ventricles relax.

10. cardi: heart. cardiac: referring to the heart.


Lymphatic System

1. anti: against. antibody: protein that attacks foreign antigens.

2. lymph: water. lymph: fluid in lymphatic vessels.

3. immun: safe. immunity: resistance to specific disease.

4. flamm: burn. inflammatory response: tissue response to injury.

5. vaccin: of a cow. vaccine: gives immunity without causing disease.

6. humor: fluid. humoral immunity: immunity due to antibodies.

7. nod: knot. nodule: small mass of lymphocytes and connective tissue.

8. patho: disease. pathogen: disease causing organism.

9. plate: flat. platelet: cell fragments used in blood clotting.

10. capill: hair. capillary: functional unit of circulatory system. smallest blood vessels.


Respiratory System

1. alve: cavity. alveoli: small sacs in the lungs; functional unit of the respiratory system.

2. bronch: windpipe. bronchi: branch of the trachea leading to the lungs.

3. dia: separate. diaphragm: muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities.

4. phragm: partition. diaphragm: muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities.

5. epi: upon. epiglottis: small flap of tissue covering the glottis during swallowing.

6. glotti: tongue. glottis: opening in the larynx.

7. laryn: gullet. larynx: cartilaginous box containing vocal cords.

8. pharyn: throat. pharynx: passageway at the back of the mouth.

9. trache: windpipe. trachea: windpipe.

10. pneum: breathing. pneumonia: inflammation of the lungs.


Digestive System

1. eso: within. esophagus: muscular tube for moving swallowed food from the pharynx to the stomach.

2. lac: milk. lacteal: lymphatic vessel in small intestine.

3. peristal: contraction. peristalsis: rhythmic, wavelike contractions of the digestive tract.

4. vill: shaggy. villus: small fingerlike projection of inner small intestinal wall.

5. vita: life. vitamin: essential organic compound used in coenzymes.

6. aliment: food. alimentary canal: digestive tract.

7. decidu: falling off. deciduous teeth: teeth that are replaced during childhood.

8. lingu: tongue. lingual: referring to the tongue.

9. dent: tooth. dentin: bonelike substance that forms the bulk of a tooth.

10. pylor: gatekeeper. pyloric sphincter: circular muscle found at junction of stomach and small intestine.


Digestive System

1. hepat: liver. hepatic: referring to the liver.

2. chym: juice. chyme: mixture of food and digestive juices in the stomach.

3. gastr: stomach. gastric: referring to the stomach.

4. proct: rectum. proctology: study of disorders of the rectum.

5. bili: bile. bilirubin: orange bile pigment.

6. cusp: point. cuspid: pointed tooth.

7. gingiv: tongue. gingivitis: gum disease.

8. fauc: throat. fauces: opening of the mouth.

9. cecum: blind pouch. cecum: blind-ended pouch at end of colon.

10. duoden: twelve. duodenum: first portion of small intestine


Urinary System

1. osmo: water. osmoregulation: regulation of water balance in the body.

2. diure: urinate. antidiuretic hormone: hormone that decreases urine output.

3. calyc: small cup. calyces: cuplike divisions of the renal pelvis.

4. mict: to pass urine. micturition: process of expelling urine from the bladder.

5. proxim: nearest. proximal: near to.

6. nephr: kidney. nephron: functional unit of the kidneys.

7. ure: urine. urea: soluble nitrogen waste produced by mammals.

8. glomer: ball. glomerulus: capillary network at beginning of nephron.

9. rena: kidney. renal: having to do with the kidneys.

10. trigon: triangular. trigone: triangular area on the internal floor of the bladder.


Reproductive System

1. corpusc: little body. corpus luteum: small yellowish body; remains after egg has erupted from follicle.

2. metri: uterus. endometrium: vascular uterine lining.

3. lut: yellow. corpus luteum: small yellowish body; remains after egg has erupted from follicle.

4. gon: seed. gonad: reproductive organ.

5. menstru: monthly. menstruation: monthly shedding of endometrium.

6. ovi: egg. oviduct: tube leading from ovary to uterus.

7. duct: lead. oviduct: tube leading from ovary to uterus.

8. uter: womb. uterus: muscular organ that receives fertilized egg.

9. vagin: sheath. vagina: tube leading to uterus; serves as birth canal.

10. semen: sperm. seminiferous tubule: tube in testes that produces sperm.

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