Cancer Research Project

Prepare an informative web pamphlet about your topic. Include pictures, statistics, terminology, and other information to thoroughly develop your topic. Then prepare an eye-catching educational web page that summarizes the information in your web pamphlet. Your web page can include statistics, pictures, facts, self-quizzes, etc.

Causes of Cancer

Prevention of Cancer

Types of Cancer

Spread of Cancer

Treatment of Cancer

We will be using Claris Home Page 3.0 to design your web pages. You need to decide how you are going to present your information (will you write text, include a list of pertinent facts, present pictures or statistics, etc.?).

Remember to think about graphics for your web page. If you search the internet, keep an eye out for interesting, appropriate graphics to enhance you page.

Beware the information you find on the internet: some of the information is posted by regular ordinary people, and may not be accurate.

For every three internet sources, you need to have one other source that corroborates the information. Remember to include journal articles (Galileo is a good source; I have access to some medical journals if you need more info).

Date due

ten sources (no more than 2 from books; at least two from articles/ journals)


skeleton outline of project: what do you plan to do and how do you plan to do it?


layout of page(s)


rough draft of text and list of links for additional information


graphics for web page (email attached files or give me a list of web addresses and descriptions)


final draft for approval


final project completed and ready to format for web page


complete web page and have ready for uploading


American Cancer Society

Cancer News

Cancer and the Immune System

anatomy page

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