Digestive System Study Guide

1. What are the layers of the digestive tract wall?

2. Where on the tongue are the taste buds found?

3. What makes up saliva?

4. What are the layers of a tooth?

5. What are the 4 regions of the stomach?

6. What muscles control entry into and exit from the stomach?

7. What is found in gastric juice?

8. What is gastrin?

9. What is a lacteal?

10. What is the cecum?

11. What are the functions of mucus in the digestive tract?

12. What is the appendix?

13. What is the function of the liver?

14. What is the common bile duct?

15. What is the function of bile? where is stored?

16. What is the function of the pancreas?

17. What is peristalsis?

18. What is salivary amylase?

19. What is cholecystokinin?

20. How are carbohydrates stored?

21. What is the action of insulin? glucagon?

22. What is an essential amino acid?

23. What is a vitamin? Distinguish between water soluble and fat soluble vitamins.

24. What is a mineral? Name some examples.

25. What role does the hypothalamus play in digestion?

26. Trace the path of an undigested molecule through the digestive tract.

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