Disease and Disorders of the Nervous System

You must do part A and two of the questions that follow. If you choose to do more questions and/or more diseases, you may receive extra credit.


A. Pick two of the following disorders and write a 1/2 -1 page description on each. Be sure to include information such as symptoms, causes, prognosis, treatment, and whatever else you can find. Please include your references: name of source and page number.

1. Neuralgia

2. Headache

3. Tetanus

4. Rabies

5. Poliomyelitis

6. Multiple Sclerosis

7. Epilepsy

8. Meningitis

9. Cerebral palsy

10. Parkinson's disease

11. Hydrocephalus

12. Alzheimer's disease

13. Huntington's disease


B. Explain the effect of anesthetics on the nervous system ("By killing pain" is not an acceptable answer!!)


C. How does cocaine affect the nervous system? How is used (not abused) in medicine today??


D. What is the blood-brain barrier?


E. How are beta blockers used to treat irregular heart beat and hypertension? Why are they called beta blockers?


F. What drugs interfere with neurotransmitters to produce unusual effects?


bonus: email me the sites where you found your information

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