Nervous System Test Study Guide

1. What are the cranial nerves (number and function)

2. What are the three major parts of the nervous system?

3. Describe the function of the CNS and PNS.

4. Explain divisions of PNS and describe the functions of each.

5. Describe the structure of a neuron.

6. What is a myelin sheath?

7. Explain a reflex arc.

8. Explain an action potential. Include what happens, a description of the sodium potassium pump, and threshold potential.

9. Explain what a refractory period is and describe its significance.

10. What is a synapse? How is it involved in nerve impulse transmission?

11. What are neurotransmitters? Give examples.

12. Name the meninges of the spinal cord.

13. What is the function of the spinal cord?

14. Describe the functions of the following:

a. brain stem

b. cerebellum

c. thalamus

d. hypothalamus

e. corpus callosum

f. cerebrum

15. What is the largest nerve in the body?

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