    Anatomy and Physiology Course Syllabus


    Ms. Andrews MD 35

    Course Description: An advanced science course designed for college bound students and for those interested in a career in the medical profession that serves as an elective for either an academic or general diploma.


    Course Goals and Objectives: Major topics of discussion will revolve around the structures , functions, and diseases of the human body. Each organ system of the body will be studied in detail.


    Course Outline: Topics that will be covered throughout the course of the year include: Integumentary, Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous, Circulatory, Respiratory, Lymphatic, Digestive, Excretory, and Reproductive Systems.


    Materials: Text book: Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology


    What do you need to bring to class?

    1. Ring binder with looseleaf paper and any papers I have given you for the current unit of study.
    2. Your book with a book cover. Do not tape your book cover to your book.
    3. Your lab book.
    4. Sharpened pencils or pens (black or dark blue ink for assignments), colored pencils, a red pencil (for grading in- class work)


    Student Expectations:

    Because you are here to learn, any behavior that interferes with that purpose will be considered inappropriate.

    1. Be prepared for class every day.




      If you choose to break this rule, you will receive after school detention. During lab activities, breaking safety rules will result in a loss of points from the lab grade. (These may be re-earned according to the teacher.) Other offenses will be dealt with at the teacher’s discretion.


    3. Clean up lab area after all labs.
    4. Wait quietly to be dismissed by the teacher.



    When you are absent, you have five days to complete your makeup work, so make sure you ask your lab partner what you missed the day you return. I will have a folder with make-up request forms for you to fill out to get your missing work. Keep up with your make up work- - this can be a weak point that allows your grade to drop. Any lab work, quizzes, tests, etc., must be made up outside class. You may come in before or after school or during homeroom to make up work. Feel free to make an appointment with me if you need assistance.

    I strongly encourage you to form study groups with your classmates.


    Methods of Instruction:

    We will have vocabulary quizzes every week, reading assignments, various projects throughout the year as well as numerous labs. Tests will be given with each unit. Supplemental materials, such as videos, laser discs, etc., will be used periodically.


    Evaluation Plan:









    Homework, daily work, quizzes








    QCC Objectives to be covered:


    Inquiry, Process and Problem Solving

    2. Uses science process skills in laboratory or field investigations, including observation, classification, communication, metric measurement, prediction, inference, collecting and analyzing data.


      Inquiry, Process and Problem Solving


    3. Uses traditional reference materials to explore background and historical information regarding a scientific concept.


      Laboratory Safety


    4. Learns and uses on a regular basis standard safety practices for laboratory or field investigations.


    Introduction to the structure and function of the human body

    2. Analyzes organization of the human body using appropriate anatomical terminology.


      Chemistry of Life


    3. Illustrates the relationships between chemical and physical processes.


      Cell Structures and Functions


    4. Compares the structures and functions of the cell.


      Histology: Tissue Types

    5. Analyzes the general characteristics and functions of major tissue types.


      Integumentary system


    6. Lists and explains the structure and function of the components of the integumentary system.


      Skeletal System: Bones and Joints


    7. Explains the functions of the skeletal system and the classification and function of joints.


      Muscular System


    8. Compares the structure, location, and function of smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscle.


      Nervous System


    9. Relates the sensory coordination and regulatory functions of the nervous system.




    10. Analyzes the physiology of various receptors associated with the somatic and special senses.


      Endocrine System


    11. Describes the location, structure, and function of the endocrine glands.


      Cardiovascular System: Heart and Blood Vessels


    12. Describes the means by which the heart and blood vessels work together to provide the metabolic requirements of body cells.


      Cardiovascular System: Blood


    13. Analyzes the composition and functions of blood.


      Lymphatic System and Immunity


    14. Describes the structure and function of the lymphatic system and its relationship to the circulatory system.


      Respiratory System


    15. Evaluates the primary functions of the respiratory organs and how they are related to their structure.


      Digestive System


    16. Explains the process of digestion and absorption as it relates to each organ and gland associated with the alimentary canal.


      Nutrition and Metabolism


    17. Identifies dietary requirements and their role in maintaining human health.


      Urinary System


    18. Examines the role of the urinary system as the elimination of nitrogenous wastes and the maintenance of fluid balance.


      Reproductive System


    19. Identifies the structure, location, and function of the major components of the male and female reproductive systems.


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