The Private Life of Plants: It's a Jungle Out There

1. What four things must plants have to survive? water, nutrients, warmth, light

2. What environmental factor keeps plants close to the ground in the arctic? wind

3. How does the arctic poppy collect heat from the sun more efficiently? it turns its flower, tracking the sun

4. What enables the snowbell to flower before the snow has melted completely? it formed its flower the previous autumn

5. What advantages do plants in the alps have by growing in the shape of a cushion (besides wind protection)? acts as a solar panel to raise temperature

6. What are three ways plants protect themselves from the bitter cold? hairs; keep dead leaves attached; fold leaves to protect buds

7. What other disaster, besides freezing, to plants face? evaporation of water from leaves

8. Where do desert plants store water? leaves

9. What is the purpose of the white powder covering the trunk of the quiver tree? reflects heat

10. How can the quiver tree reduce excess water loss through its leaves? amputating limbs

11. Why does the Sewato cactus have a green stem? it goes through photosynthesis because it has no leaves

12. How do cacti protect their water supply? they are covered by spines

13. How do plants "hibernate" during the harshest part of the year in the desert? as bulbs and tubers

14. How do desert plants respond to rainfall? flower rapidly

15. Why do desert plants have such spectacular flowers? they must advertise quickly for pollinators in order to produce seeds

16. What is the main problem of plants on Mount Morimah? Lack of nutrients. Why? Water washes them away.

17. How do plants make up for that lack (see #16)? eat animals

18. How does the Amazon water lily protect itself from fish? spines

19. Explain how the lily prevents itself from being self-fertilized. opens once, attracting beetles with pollen from other flowers; closes, entrapping them for a day, then release them

20. What happens to plant life as the lake fills in with sediment from streams? different, bigger plants can grow in shallow water

21. What do mangroves use for support in unstable ground? prop roots

22. Why do mangroves hold their breath? they are under water

23. What are three special structures, which allow algae to grow in rocky coasts? hold fasts, rubbery stems, air bladders

24. What kinds of photosynthetic organisms are most responsible for the world's oxygen and food supplies? algae

25. What is the greatest threat plants face? humans

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