Ask yourself these questions when revising:

  Did I include all of the parts indicated in the instructions?

  Did I clearly address the topic of the passage?

  Did I provide a clear, concise summary of the main idea and supporting points of the           passage, demonstrating a clear understanding of the author�s thesis?

  Did I (in the introduction) clearly acknowledge the author of the passage and the text from   which the passage has been excerpted?

  Is the summary is in my own words with minimal, if any, appropriate quoting?

  Does the introduction contain an explicitly stated thesis related to the passage?

  Is essay is well organized with supporting points, discussion, examples and details?

  Are the ideas are well organized, with clear transitions?

  Is there is a clearly discernible beginning, middle, and end, with appropriate paragraphing?

  Are there are appropriate transitions between ideas?

Is the vocabulary is well suited to the topic?

  Are the sentences are well formed and varied?

Is the grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling nearly perfect?
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