Begin with a hook, something that grabs your reader's attention and holds it. Here are some of the most common ways to include a good hook:

� Set the scene
� Ask a question
� Use dialogue
� Use a definition
� Use exaggeration
� Use a famous quote
� Use a shocking statistic
� Be creative!
Some suggestions for
improving your style of writing:
Include vivid word choice. Try to find a new or interesting way to say what you mean without overusing adjectives and adverbs.

�  Choose bold
�  Include desriptive nouns
�  Include smooth
�  Avoid
cliches as they weaken your point
�  Be original and creative with word choice
�  Avoid short,
choppy sentences
�  Vary sentence patterns
�  Try not to be too
wordy. Often, a concise sentence says more than a long, wordy one.
�  Avoid
misusing words (make sure they mean what you think they mean.)
�  Make sure that your sentences are

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Under construction
Try to end each paragraph, but especially the concluding paragraph, with a clincher sentence.
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