AIDA Color Content KIS


The following page describes some of the ideas professionals use when creating
a web page. Try to follow these 'rules', but more importantly have fun.


� Attention
You only have 8 - 10 seconds to grab attention.
Give the visitor to your page a reason to stay!
Always assume that the visitor to your page has a very slow modem.
Click Here to see a site that updates almost every day.
� Interest
By including up-to-date information that is updated frequently
you will give the visitor a reason to return to your web page.
Click Here to see a web page that gives you reasons to return.
� Desire and Action
Give the visitor something to do. Then guide them where you want them to go.
Click Here to see a site that gives it visitor something to look forward to daily.

Color Influences Viewers

� Red
Red is the most powerful, attractive color.
It grabs attention and causes the visitor to want to take action.
However, its overuse can turn people off.
Click Here to see a site that uses the color red.
� Blue
Blue is associated with honesty and integrity.
That is why it is recommended to wear blue to an interview.
Blue tends to work the same way in web pages.
Blue is also a relaxing color and will make a visitor feel at ease.
Click Here to see a site that uses blue in its site.
� Green
Green usually represents wealth or money.
� Yellow
Yellow is an action color.
However, you should use it sparingly.
Yellow is hard to read and can be thought of as cheap and not of high quality.
� Brown
Brown is used often in professionally created web pages.
Brown is seen as practical and earthy.
True brown is rarely used, but shades of lighter brown are used often.
Click Here to see a site that uses earth tones in its site.
� Pastels
Pastels such as light blue ,light green and others are calm relaxing colors
that may help keep visitors at your site.
Make sure that the colors match the mood of your page.
Click Here to see a web page that uses pastels.


� Scanning
People will normally read a web page vertically, which is opposite of how they read
advertisements and other graphic media, which is at an angle from left to right.
They will usually look at the left side of the page first, then the right, then lastly the middle.
Click Here to see a site that puts the main content on the left side of the screen.
It also uses blue and a logo that remains the same throughout.
� Heading
If there are multiple pages to your website, make sure the heading text and logo
are the same on each page. Make the heading attractive, but not cluttered.
Click Here to see a site that follows the left and right side rules, but omits a header.
� Left Side
The left side of your web page is probably where you want to place those items
that will attract the visitor and entice them to stay or perhaps lead them to other pages
within your site. This is where most people will look first to see what a page has to offer.
Click Here to see a site that has its links on the left side
and it maintains the same look on all pages.


Click Here to see a very busy web page made for kids.
Click Here and Click Here to see a two competing TV Stations web sites.

� Essential Content

Always include:
� � � (1) A Home Page;
� � � (2) A Navigation System (Not more than 8)
� � � (3) ALT Tags for All Images
� � � (4) Logo
� � � (5) HTML Titles for Each Page
� � � (6) META Tags
� � � (7) Reference to Creator & Creation Date
� � � (8) Consistency in Design
Click Here or Click Here to learn more about designing web pages.

This page was designed by Mrs. Milton for her Multimedia class
Great Falls High School, Great Falls, Montana
Last updated on February 11, 2008.
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