Updated - March 22, 2005

FRVS - 7x24 "In The Dark" by Kristi
Next week's FRVS is the season finale!

This site is unsafe for shippers!Welcome to The Bee Dome! The title of this website comes from the 1998 X-Files motion picture "Fight The Future" because it is at that location that a bee gets stuck inside the collar of Agent Scully's shirt and saved us Noromos from having to witness a lurving kiss between Mulder and Scully before the show became infested with contrived Mulder/Scully "shippy" moments. Here at The Bee Dome we affectionately call the bee that stung Scully, Mister Bee. Unfortunately Mister Bee was out partying on New Years Eve 1999 to prevent anything from happening then. That's ok though, we've forgiven him because we all know that the one and only reason why Mulder and Scully kissed that New Years Eve was because they hate each other :) They did it to disgust the other and if you ask me, I think it worked. Mulder looked a bit constipated after his and Scully's lips parted. A lot changed on the show since those days... we got a 13 or 14 month Scully pregnancy that resulted in Meepmork. Agent John Doggett came on the show and scared the shippers because 1) he wasn't Mulder, and 2) he was a threat to their precious Mulder/Scully relationship because (in all honesty) he is a man better cut out to take care of Scully and treat her properly.

Then along came Agent Monica Reyes... don't get us wrong, we love her to death, but... once she came along suddenly Drippers started popping up here and there within the online community. These Drippers are Shippers that like the idea of a Doggett/Reyes relationship. Ay, ay, ay! Thank goodness Mister Bee was not needed for those two, he's been away relaxing since 1999 (he gave up on Chris "Ass Monkey" Carter). The unfortunateness of the Dripper community is that they think that Doggett and Reyes could have romance even after the fact that Reyes was unable to solve the case of his murdered son. Do you honestly think he'd look at her all goo-goo-eyed and fall in love? I didn't think so.

Anyway, since we are fans of all nine seasons of "The X-Files", we thought we'd keep The Bee Dome alive with the Noromo views of the only two relationship pairings on the show that we can never see making any sense in a realistic kind of way by including both Mulder/Scully and Doggett/Reyes. We know a lot of people out there think that not liking MSR or DRR is bullshit and that we are "stupid" for not seeing their "obvious love" for one another, but we don't give a rat's arse. Chris Carter ruined the way we will forever watch Mulder and Scully (and he almost did it with Doggett and Reyes - thank goodness there was no season 10 otherwise who knows what could have happened). We don't enjoy Mulder and Scully as much as we used to since 1013 decided to let the whiny shippers have their way and write it so they believe that M&S are "in lurve". Pfft!

John Doggett Fanlisting Fox Mulder Fanlisting Noromo Fanlisting Dana Scully Fanlisting Monica Reyes
The Bee Dome was established January 16, 2000

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