Words of Faith

Welcome Noromos and other visitors of The Bee Dome. This page is dedicated to previous proof that the creative persons involved with the show were not going to allow Mulder and Scully's relationship to be anything more than platonic. We are always looking for quotes from Chris Carter and others from 1013 so if you have something you do not see here, be kind, send it our way. Please read and remember their words ... no MSR was the original plan and us fans were betrayed when Carter decided to cater to the rabid shippers by allowing the wonderful friendship between Mulder and Scully to deteriorate through romance.

"Wily as a FOX"
David Duchovny quote

"The interesting thing about everybody's interest in the relationship between Mulder and Scully is that they want some kind of resolution to it. But when you look at the show, each week something happens to Mulder and/or Scully that is completely life-changing, yet we come back the next week a if nothing had happened."

"It's unnatural, I know, but in a weekly series you can not have things change the way they would in real life. You can not have the kind of resolution you want in real life. I thing it's best if Mulder and Scully just keep teasing the viewers the way they do."

"Making Contact With David Duchovny: A Close Encounter with the X-Files' August Agent."
Higgons, Jenny (Playgirl )

"[I]t's so easy to jump into bed. Who needs to see that? That happens on every show. What's so hard about having sex? It's the same thing as nudity . . . big deal. It's better to have two people who are actually interested in each other beyond that. The easiest thing in the world is to be attracted to somebody. It's harder to actually live with them and work with them. And that's a fact, Jack."

"We do that as little as possible because, honestly, who wants to see Mulder and Scully together?" - Vince Gilligan

From "Cinescape" Magazine
Volume 3, Number 11
ISSN# 1077-3363
Page 22
Interview with Frank Spotnitz

Q: Chris Carter once said that The X-Files is about the stories more than it's about the characters. Do you think that's changed?

Frank Spotnitz: I don't, actually. The truth is, we are very plot driven, and we spend a great deal of time making sure that our plots advance, that every piece of information pushes forward another piece of information and that the stories have a symmetry and ideas come around and make full circle by the end of the episode. And Mulder and Scully drive the plots forward and their competing views of trhe world are really what make the stories go. But by and large, the stories aren't about them. It's their attitudes that expose what's going on, but they're rarely very personal. And if you tink about it, we actually know very little about them or their private lives. And I think it is true that as we get into our fifth season there are going to be more episodes where you will get more of a glimpse of their provate lives. We'll learn more about Mulder's mother because it tells us something about the conspiracy or about Cigarette-Smoking Man or Mulder's alien abduction memories concerning Samantha. We never are melodramatic simply to be melodramatic. Everything's in service to the story.

From "Cinescape" Magazine
Volume 3, Number 11
ISSN# 1077-3363
Page 38
Interview with Chris Carter

Q: As you well know, many fans have become so attached to Mulder and Scully that they'd like to see more about their personal lives. Do you feel the characters could be successful if removed from specific paranormal or conspiracy stories?

Chris Carter: Well, I'm just not interested in doing that.

From "Cinescape" Magazine
Volume 3, Number 11
ISSN# 1077-3363
Page 38
Interview with Chris Carter

"There are shows that are about the characters and their lives, and this is one of them. It just so happens that we learn about the characters and their lives through the telling of X-Files." -Chris Carter

Australian's May 30-June 5, 1999
Sunday Telegraph TV Guide w/ DD on the cover.

"I think it's best not to, because once you form a relationship between a man and a woman that's physical or sexual or emtional, that becomes the focus of the show." -David Duchovny, on his instincts towards Mulder and Scully getting involved.

John Doggett Fanlisting Fox Mulder Fanlisting Noromo Fanlisting Dana Scully Fanlisting Monica Reyes


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