1. Voce - Italian - Voice


2. Voce di petto - Italian - Chest voice


3. Voce di testa - Italian - Head voice


4.  Voice leading - The art of arranging the voices in polyphonic composition so that each part would have a logical continuation


5.  Voix - French - voice


6.  Volante - Italian - Flying, swift, light


7.  Volata - Italian - A short run or vocal trill. A light, rapid series of notes.


8.  Volate - German -


9.  Volatine - French -


10. Volkslied - German - a folk song


11.  Voll - German - full, i.e. mit vollen chore - with full chorus


12.  Volta - Italian - time, i.e. prima volta means first time


13.  Volubilmente - Italian - Flowingly


14.  Voluttuoso - Italian - Voluptiously


15.  Vom Anfang - German- from the beginning.  Same as Da Capo


Schirmer Pocket Manual of Musical Terms, Edited by Theodore Baker, Macmillan Publishing Co., 1978

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