Boe Oddisey, an artist from Capitol Hill, Seattle, WA

BOE ODDISEY is a Vegan Wiccan Practitioner, head of the Silver Fox Coven in Seattle, Washington, and Ordained Minister of the Universal Life Church.
This webpage has copyrighted images of his artwork. As of September 2001, you can visit his on-line gallery. Please note that if you make any printing or reproductions of his artwork, it would be courteous to inform him.
Contact him in cyberspace! Boe Oddisey

title: "Aurora Borealis" 1997

"Mt. Fuji" 1996

title: close-up signature area of "Mt.Fuji"

emenke's Version Francais page


for more info about the webauthor Ms. EMENKE, another page with more detailed info on who this mystical person is.

Thank you for your visit!

Blessed Be.

"Live life one day at a time, stop to smell the roses!

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