Experiential Meditation Enlightened Nature Knowledge Education

aka E.M.E.N.K.E.


Emenke's Astrology

WHO/WHAT is EMENKE? ...The Person..The Vision...the Center..... Ms. Emenke, N.D., B.A., M.Y.,LMP, MMP a modern-day renaissance woman of the 21st century. She's been an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church since 1991. At the age of 21, in 1992, Emenke concurrently earned her bachelor's degree in video production at San Francisco State University, completed Jeanne Rose's Herbal Studies Course and finished the doctorate program in Naturopathy from Dr. Clayton's School of Natural Healing. 1992 was also the year in which she empowered herself by consciously changing her name to what it currently is now. The name "EMENKE" is the acronym of her birth name initials, with the letter "E" added to help pronounce the new name. This name, EMENKE, is from her dreamtime reality. During the summer of 1996, Emenke lived on an ashram in Canada where she successfully completed both the Teachers' Training Course and Advanced T.T.C. of the Sivananda method Hatha Yoga program. Emenke has taken various courses from the J.Owen Swift Palmistry Academy, San Francisco & Bellevue Schools of Massage, the McKinnon Institute, Discover U, American Red Cross, Seattle Tilth, www.dhamma.org, Tao Mountain, and LMT success group. She has travelled to various parts of the world, such as Guatemala, Rome, Warsaw, Austria, Mexico, Japan, Hong Kong, England, France, Spain, Belgium, Portugal and Canada. Within the U.S.A, she's been to New York City, Chicago, Nevada, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington D.C., Stockton, Lynnwood, as well as having lived in San Francisco, and Seattle.

WHAT exactly is EMENKE? E.M.E.N.K.E. is Ms. Emenke's school of how to live. Through learning by doing, you are practicing experiential learning. If you make everything you do a meditative experience, sooner or later you are bound to reach enlightenment, which is just another word for an epiphany. When light is shone, you have attained knowledge. Education is the result.

(c)2006 [email protected]

Please contact EMENKE for more info on courses and for your urgently needed contributions to help heal the earth.

Om Shantih

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