Creating a Homework Space

With help from this website


10 Questions to discuss with your parent or person in charge.


  1. Do you have a homework space?
  2. Can you use your space whenever you need it?
  3. Is it a quiet space where you can work?
  4. Do you have the study materials that you need in your space?
  5. Is my desk or table large enough to fit your books and papers so you can work?
  6. Do you have enough storage space so you can keep your supplies where you can find them?
  7. Do you have enough light so you can stay focused and work without straining?
  8. Do you have a comfortable chair?
  9. Do you have a place where you put your homework so you will remember it in the morning?
  10. Do you have a special time to complete your homework?



A homework space does not need to be a permanent space.  This is sometimes difficult to do with our busy schedules.  Having the needed supplies in a box (or a briefcase) that can be moved will still give the sense that sitting down and concentrating is important.


It is important to have enough space and light.  This will enable you to concentrate and focus easily. 


Sometimes it is helpful to have a timer.  If you are having a hard time concentrating, set the timer for 10 minutes.  If you have stayed focused for 10 minutes – give yourself a 5-minute break.  This will make your homework time take longer, but it might help you get it done.  It is very difficult to concentrate if you, or the people around you, are upset.  Please let me know if your family is getting upset with homework.  Maybe I can help.


Please visit the web page for additional help with homework.  Click on the homework page picture.


Room 6 Homework Assignments and What You Need to Complete Them


Every week you will have these assignments:


Reading Log

  • The Reading Journal
    • You will be required to read for 30 minutes every night
  • A book you enjoy reading
    • Please ask me if you need a book before the library opens for the students
  • A pencil to fill in the form
  • A parent or guardian signature


Language Arts Homework

  • Language Arts assignment sheet
  • This assignment sheet is available to download on the web page
    • This assignment involves spelling, vocabulary, and a weekly writing assignment. 
    • The assignment is due always on Friday
    • It can be completed if you work on it about 20 minutes every night


  • Your math text book or workbook (it depends on the assignment)
  • A pencil - NOT a calculator (I will give back math homework that does not show your work.)
  • Math should take about 20 minutes to complete (sometimes less if you know your math facts – hint, hint!



  • The handwriting assignment sheet
  • A sharp pencil – a pencil sharpener
  • You should get faster doing these very short practice sheets.  However, if they are messy and not excellent handwriting, you will have to do it over at recess.  (Sorry, only perfect practice makes perfect.)


Social Studies and Science

 These assignments will vary in time and needed materials

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