Ms. Sukey Forsman - 4th Grade

Academic and Discipline Policies 2008-2009 


Your child has been provided with a Binder Reminder (assignment book).  This is a wonderful organizational tool being used by grades 3 - 8.  Every morning, time is given to copy all assignments and homework into the Binder Reminder.  Please check this every night and sign.  There is also a space for you to write comments.  It may also be helpful for your student to record the amount of time spent on homework in the Binder Reminder.  I have the students record what we do in class, as well as homework.  Please use this as a “discussion starter” for that wonderful question; “What did you do at school today?”


Homework will be assigned on a regular basis, Monday through Thursday nights.  Students will also have long-term assignments to work on, such as science projects, social studies and book projects.  Assignments not completed during class time will also be considered homework.  Your child will have approximately 60 minutes of assigned homework each day, included in that time is 30 minutes of reading,  language arts, (writing, spelling, and vocabulary) and Math. 

If your child is taking an excessive amount of time to complete the homework, or the family is “going to tears” to get it completed please, please, contact me.  A difficult evening with homework often creates a difficult day at school the next day.  Most situations can be worked out very easily.  Please be aware, though, that there is an expectation that all students work on homework every night.  

Room 6 has a webpage -

I put the information for the week on the page as well as the homework assignments.  I try to get a weekly newsletter out that has the same information.  The webpage is probably way more reliable.  The newsletter has to be printed, I have to remember to give it to the students, AND the student has to give it to you.  If you have access to the internet you can see that the webpage is a much more reliable source of information.

Book Projects

Students will be expected to complete and present at least four book projects each semester.  I will be giving more information on this soon.  Please see the website under Book Talks.


Your child will be expected to make up work assigned when they have been absent from school.  If your child will be absent for an extended period of time, please contact me to obtain their homework and an independent work contract.

Please do not send your child to school if they are ill.  However, the majority of my instruction happens in the classroom, not through worksheets.  It is very difficult to make up for missed classroom instruction and participation.   

School Supplies

To help our classroom run smoothly, and to keep your child organized, please have your student bring the following items to school.

Ø      a small binder to hold homework papers and the binder reminder

Ø      a small plastic pencil pouch or box

Ø      pencils – we run out

Ø      black or blue ink pen

Ø      a red pen or pencil

Ø      a small covered pencil sharpener that catches shavings – this is very important as I limit the use of the pencil sharpener

Ø      an eraser

Ø      crayons, markers, and/or colored pencils –we will be doing many projects that require that “artistic” touch. 

Ø      a back pack or book bag to carry the binder and homework textbook home each night.


I encourage the use of environmentally friendly mechanical pencils, but I do take them away when the leads are repeatedly taken out.  Your child may bring other supplies to school as long as they do not become a distraction for your child or others. 

Gel pens are for artwork...please do not use them on assignments.  I will return any work, other than artwork, that is completed with a gel pen.  Written work must be completed in pencil or ink.  Ink can only be black or blue.  I will accept pencil on all assignments.  After the first month of school, all written work must be done in cursive.  All math assignments must be in pencil.

TOYS ARE NOT ALLOWED OUT IN THE CLASSROOM.  I define a toy as anything that is not a tool for schoolwork; this includes “school tools” which are being used as toys.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  I have a June box where I put inappropriate or misused items.  Students may claim them on the last day of school; however, I take no responsibility for the safety or security of these items.  


Students may bring a daily snack to eat at snack time.  Please send a healthy snack, such as fruit or crackers.  Candy and chips (such as Chitos or potato chips) tend to wear out way before lunch and make the children hungrier and more distracted. 


We usually take two to three (or more!!) field trips that extend our studies in Social Studies and Science.  I will notify you ahead of time when these have been scheduled.  


Please let me know in advance if you can accompany us on field trips.  I will be sending home a list of dates and destinations as soon as they are scheduled.

I welcome parents who can volunteer on a regular basis for an hour or so a week to work with specific students or small groups in reading and math.  You are also welcome any time just to visit.  Please always check in with the office before coming to the classroom.

Volunteers who enjoy making copies, recording assignments, or filing completed work are always welcome.  It is also helpful to have parents come in to monitor reading groups.  If you would like to volunteer regularly or from time to time, it is very helpful if you let me know ahead of time, so I can have something organized for you. 


If you have a special talent or hobby, we would love to schedule you to present to the class or lead us in a project.  Guest speakers about careers are also very welcome.  You are always welcome in our classroom, even just to visit and see what is going on.  Please be aware that you MUST (it’s the law) check in with the office before coming to the classroom. 

The best way to contact me is through email.  However, if you do not have access I can be reached after school in my classroom.  I am usually in the classroom for at least an hour after school. 

Please check the web page for information and resources.  The grade book can also be accessed by Homelink.  After assignments are entered you will be able to see if there is any missing work.  I try to keep both the web page and grade book as current as possible.  I do have after school meetings so some days it may take a day or two to enter all the information.

I look forward to meeting all of you and to a very successful year for all our students. 

Thank you so much,

Text Box: Back to School Night   
Please plan to attend the Back to School Night August 25th from 6:00-7:00.  I will be discussing our curriculum, the standards, and grades in more depth that evening.  We will be giving two presentations one at 6:00 and one at 6:30 so parents can attend for different grade levels. I will begin promptly.  It is very helpful if you are on time so you can hear the whole presentation.

Ms. Forsman 
[email protected]



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