GAIL ADAMS 02/01 -- Present --- Northside Independent School District Job Title: Substitute Teacher (trained) Duties: . Substitute teach at various schools from 1st to 12th grades. . Teach every subject matter....Specialize in Math, Sciences, Computers, and Special Ed. . Discipline and correct students and their behavior when problems arise. 10/99 - Present --- The Computer Paramedics, San Antonio, TX Job Title: Consultant, Owner. Duties: . Build, install, repair, and troubleshoot PCs of various levels and platforms, and most peripherals, i.e., modems, printers, etc, for personal home computers. . Install any software on the market and troubleshoot. . Will design webs and databases upon request. Experienced with MS FrontPage web design, HTML, Java, and MS Access database. Salary: Varies 02/98 - 10/99 --- Electronic Data Systems (EDS), San Antonio, TX Job Title: System Engineer Associates. Duties: High Level Installation and Support specialist for major medical account for a third party client, nationally known, to install, service, and troubleshoot their product. . Configured and setup various modems and their configurations insuring product and customer was sending/receiving real time data; . Worked with high visibility clients, i.e., doctors, CEOs, directors of marketing to the actual user of the products within the hospital, clinics, and doctor's offices in the south Texas region; . The product was a medical telecommunications/telemessaging software service for a multi-hospital / doctor client base, which requests various information upon demand from the hospitals in reference to the patient; . Worked very closely with the Humana medical insurance market in conjunction with the clients; . Installed the product on various platforms from 286 PCs to the latest Pentium technology, and laptops which all have various operating systems, i.e., DOS, Windows 95/98/NT/Peer-Peer, Novell, UNIX, AIX, and XENIX. Majority was UNIX, setting up print spoolers, modems, etc.; . Made network cables and phone lines when needed; . Worked on Y2K compliance with software/hardware compatibility; . Monitored and managed the internal communication center, on a Novell and Windows NT stations, a must for all insuring 100% up-time and full security measures were enforced; . It was very essential that everyone play as team members in support of each other and the clients of the third party; . Computing platforms include Pentium based PCs under Windows 95/98/NT, UNIX, AIX, XENIX, Novell, and Peer-to-Peer communication protocols. Heavy in all modem configurations; . Knowledgeable in help desk functions and tracking reports/systems and software to include designing. EDS no longer works for this client since 11/99 - Client changed name and services; . 1,000 sites from San Antonio to Austin, to the coastal areas and about 4,500 user/customers; . Build computers on the side. Salary: $43,200/A. 01/95 - 10/97 --- 3D Technology, Ltd., Colorado Springs, CO Job Title: Consultant. Duties: . Privately self-owned licensed business in wholesale/retail sales of computer parts. Built Personal Computer (PC) to suit client's needs; . Installed, upgraded, repaired, troubleshoot, and consulted in PC's and business needs; . Specialized and Microsoft trained in Windows 95 and MS Office products. Installed and troubleshoot any off-the-shelf software. Salary: Varies. 01/87 - 04/97 --- Federal Government - Civil Service - 10 years. 09/94 - 04/97 --- US Army Space Command, CO Job Title: GS301-12/7, Information Management Systems Specialist. Duties: . Assisted as Deputy Director of Information Management's Action Officer for FORCE XXI for the planning in automation and communications and the Battle Lab; . Provided customer support in the installation, upgrading, repairing, troubleshooting PCs, other hardware and peripherals and software; . Trained users on new systems and all software; . Trained and specialized in Windows 95, Windows for Workgroup 3.11, some knowledge of Windows NT and Novell 3.21trained; . Managed and operated a Video Teleconferencing (VTC) using the CLI Rembrant II and AT&T systems for classified and non-classified conferences; . Trained and certified as Contract Officer Representative; . Experienced in procurement, acquisitions and contracts of all Automation Data Processing Equipment, COTS, and network systems in the Commercial and Government sectors; . Knowledgeable in help desk functions, call center, and tracking reports/systems and software to include assisted in designing. Salary: $53,000/A. 12/92 - 09/94 --- US Army National Guard Bureau (NGB), VA Job Title: GS334-12/5, Computer Programmer/Analyst. Duties: . Assisted as Project Analyst for SIDPERS FOL and Network Advisor to the AIS Director, National Guard Bureau; . Assisted as the Project Manager and lead programmer/analyst in the development and maintenance of a segment of the NGB standard integrated management information systems of the NGB-AIS Directorate; . Assisted, when mandated, as the DBA for the CA-Datacom/DB Administration, Dataquery, SQL, and etc.; . Provided customer support: Networking, PC's, DOS, Windows, Computer Base Training courses, UNIX, C and C+, COBOL/85, JCL, VSAM, Basic, Roscoe, Ideal, Oracle, Informix, Paradox 4.5, dBase 3+, IV, Client-Server technology. Systems used: Unisys 5000, AT&T 3B2, Amdahl, IBM 3340, and PC systems; . Networking used: Novell 3.21, Banyan Vines, Lan Manager, Lantastic, Crosstalk, Procomm, CC Mail, and MS Mail. Also wrote extensive documentation and user manuals; . Experienced in procurement and contracts of all Automation Data Processing Equipment, COTS, and network systems in both the Commercial and Government sectors and customer service oriented. Salary: $49,000/A 10/89 - 12/92 --- US Army 39th Signal Battalion, SHAPE, Belgium Job Title: GS334-12/4 Promoted, Supervisor/Computer Specialist (for hospital's Data Processing Installation under USA 7th Medical Command). Duties: Mission Essential position for data automation, networking, telecommunication, and user/customer support for the hospital and all clinics under the hospital in the Benelux area (Belgium, Luxembourg, and Netherlands). Supervised 1 civilian and several military with full supervisory functions. . Network/LAN Administrator for Unisys 5000/80; . UNIX and Oracle Database programmer / administrator; . Designed all the LAN network cabling throughout the hospital, laid cables, and setup the network system throughout connection with over 200 PCs and setting up email accounts; . Installed, setup, configured, and upgraded from scratch Unisys 5000/80/95 and all the LAN connections (via mux, X.25 pad concentrators, and routers) both locally and off-site -- includes laying coaxial cables; install, setup, configuring and maintaining both Unix operating system and Oracle database system; . Installed and configured manually and via standalone using various DOS and Windows 3.11 operating systems, and UNIX network -- various software and all other Army regulated software; . Setup and configured Unix MMDF (have installed), MS Mail and MS Exchange E-Mail systems and Internet connectivity for users (Unix 6 yrs exp total); . Setup and configured the above on up to several network servers (UNIX, ATT 3B2, and Digital PD 11/70 Plus both locally and on off-sites; . Trained users on the proper use of PCs, operating systems, and the software on new and current at the time; . Provided customer support in the installation, upgrading, repairing, troubleshooting; PCs, other hardware and peripherals and software; . Insured that all PC had virus protectors installed, correctly configured, and regularly updated and reported any violations after repeated times; . Gave security training to users on PCs, networks, email to insure user's were not in violation of regulations; . Security Officer for all areas of Networking, PC's, and hospital in general; . Performed duties of Information System Security Officer (ISSM) 2yrs until filled; Information System Security Officer (ISSO) 3 yrs; and Network Security Officer (NSO) reporting violations to the Commander and with virus and security concerns; . Wrote all documentation for the computer room and all computers, peripherals, and software in compliance to JAHCO and assisted in implementing JACHO for the hospital; . Wrote documentation for all systems, programs, security accreditation for PC, computer room, and hospital; . Wrote extensive documentation, security papers, and user manuals; . Implemented various DOD, DA, and USAREUR medical programs/projects for the hospital system; . Assisted with BASOPS planning and RM Life Cycle projects for hospital; . Experienced in procurement and contracts of all Automation Data Processing Equipment, COTS, and network systems in all the Commercial, Government, and International sectors; . Traveled the Benelux area in support of customers and equipment/software in servicing or purchasing; . Knowledgeable in help desk functions, call centers, and tracking reports/systems and software to include designing and setting up; . Programmed, as needed, using UNIX, Shell Scripting,C, COBOL, and dBase III+. Salary: $53,000/A 9/88 - 10/89 -- USAF, Support & Communications Directorate, San Antonio, TX Job Title: GS334-11/3, Computer Programmer/Analyst. Duties: . Wrote code and debugged code in COBOL, VS-COBOL, Micro Focus COBOL, Basic, UNIX (Sperry), JCL for base wide projects; . Designed software for PCs in VS COBOL and Basic; . Designed and wrote database programs in dBase 3+ and IV, Ingres, CASE tools/products; . TSO/ISPF and customer support oriented; . Mainframes used: 1) SPERRY (Programmed, supported, and maintained base-wide systems, i.e., Payroll, Combined Federal Campaign. Suggested and implemented a new conversion on the CFC program. Designed programmed, and automated a system for checking duplicated Autodin records before transmissions); 2) IBM 4331, 4381 & AMDAHL (Maintained Mission Incapable Items (MICAP), Repair Tracking System (MRTS) and Resource Management System (RMS)); 3) TANDOM (Supported the Time and Attendance System TASYS) and the Computer Assisted Process Planning System (CAPPS)); 4) CYBER (Re-hosted to the IBM mainframe); 5) PC's. Main supporter for VSAM conversions). Salary: $32,000/A 01/87 - 09/88 --- USAF, Accounting and Finance for Active Joint Uniformed Military Pay System (JUMPS), Denver, CO Job Title: GS334-11/2, Computer Programmer/Analyst. Duties: . Designed, wrote code, debugged, and implemented computer programs for the military pay system - sub systems of the JUMPS: Central Pay System and Indebtedness was main responsibilities. All 100,000 plus programs in the JUMPS had to be re-designed/rewritten in structured, modular, top-down approach especially getting rid of all goto's and alter goto's; . Designed special programs to process reports, tapes, and etc. for the Treasury Dept. in Washington, DC as requested; . Designed, coded, debugged, and implemented SDF CICS input screens. Also wrote CICS in Assembly language; . Designed, wrote, debugged, and implemented data entry systems software for PCs designed in Basic and PC COBOL for financial input and reports; . Designed, wrote, debugged, and implemented special search and tracking programs. One major project, I completely overhauled and debt tracking program from 10,000 lines of code to less than 2,000 lines and from 10 hours of process over 1 million records to one hour processing; . On Project Teams to convert and rewrite SAM SAM to VSAM for the MMPA master table project for the JUMPS system; also on team that designed, wrote code, and implemented the new Dental Pay Plan that is now used military wide; . Wrote code in: COBOL, CICS, MVS/JCL, TSO/ISPF, Maestro, Basic, Assembly, PC COBOL. Systems used: IBM 370, Amdahl. Salary: $28,000/A. 1970 - 12/1986 --- Private Sector Employment - Non Government; Letters of recommendations for all jobs listed below my previous supervisors and available upon request. 05/85 - 09/86 -- Self-Employed. San Antonio, TX Job Title: Consultant. Duties: . Prepared and presented presentations to clients; . Wrote, Designed implemented, and installed my unique system incorporated especially for the restaurant business; . Programs were written as models that can be modified to fit a particular need of another user (hamburger, pizza, and/or other - not just for fast foods but for any type of food service business); . The models could fit any other type user such as in retail, etc.; . Designed various software packages in the areas of accounting, financial, statistics, budgets, and payroll that were both PC and IBM mainframe compatible. C language compatible; . Designed to fit into the structure of any computer programming language; . Consulted in areas of type of hardware products and software packages to by or to used by the user; . Consulted in contracts. Reason for Leaving: Moved to Colorado - wanted to get into Civil Service to travel. Salary: Approximately $25,000. 11/85 - 01/86 -- Handy Dan (W. R Grace Co. NY) Headquarters, San Antonio, TX Job Title: Computer Programmer/Analyst. (3 mos) Duties . Independent and team worker discussed and analyzed ideas with each other. Maintained existing programs with the Accounts Payable system; . Maintained as-needed, accounts receivable, payroll, add transmission, point-of-sale (POS - interaction and transmission between cash registers and the IBM 4331 and 4341 mainframe computers); . Utilized MVT/MVE CMS, Vollie, DL1, DOS/VSE JCL. Analyzed for the overall upgrading, improving, and/or revising of current computer programs; . Programmed in COBOL, CICS. Reason for Leaving: Company went out of business. Salary: $22,000/A 03/83 - 05/85 -- 1776, Inc., San Antonio, TX Job Title: Manager/Supervisor of computer room and Computer Programmer (2 years). Duties: . Managed the overall operations of the Data Processing Department and oversaw any problems that my incur and rectified them; . Analyzed computer systems for possible upgrading; . Analyzed the cost and effectiveness of current and future developments; . Wrote and prepared training material and trained the users on new jobs for accounting type data entry on the DataPoint terminal to the DataPoint mainframe; . Wrote programs in all areas of accounting, finance, and budgeting for the DataPoint mainframe and for the IBM PC's; . Maintained and controlled the RMS ARC Network System for the DataPoint. Performed operator duties: run reports, backups, etc.; . Performed system analysis on new job assignments. Wrote software for in-house use. Wrote extensive documentation and manuals for all jobs, software, programs written, and computer operations; . Alleviated backlog and excessive amount of overtime from new programs that were written; . Coordinated, compiled, and disbursed all statistical and financial data for the entire chain of restaurants which were in all major cities in Texas; . Maintained a zero error rate and computer integrity; . Wrote code in: COBOL, Basic, RPGII, and Databus. Designed, analyzed, wrote, and implemented the Restaurant Management Information System (I own). Reason for Leaving: No possible advancement - left to start my own business. Salary: $14,000/A. 01/76 - 03/83 -- User System Services, Inc. (USSI), San Antonio, TX Job Title: 2nd Shift Supervisor (8 years). Duties: Supervised the overall operations of the Data Entry Department and 4-6 persons with full supervisor functions. . Scheduled all priorities and job work loads; . Trained all new employees on all jobs and trained current employees on any new job. Knowledge in all areas of accounting as part of the job; . Performed all supervisory functions: hiring, firing, counseling, appraisals, and etc. Scheduled all work loads and specific deadlines to be sent to the data processing computer room; . Authority to change scheduling or to change any existing errors made by other departments as well as editing, and balance controls of reports process; . Maintained and updated existing documentation as well as wrote new documentation; . Assisted in data entry on IBM 129 keypunch machine with keystroke/hour of 20,000; . Maintained a very controlled zero error rate as instructed by the president/owner of the company; . The company is a contract service for major newspaper throughout the U. S; . Assisted in the designing of the input/out layouts for the programmers. Programmed some small programs on the Burroughs 2900 in COBOL, RPG II and little Fortran. Performed systems analysis and design. Reason for leaving: Career Enhancement - wanted to work days. Salary: $12,500/A.