<BGSOUND SRC="robbiewilliamsangels.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
Song is ANGELS
as performed  by
Robbie Williams

Leslie Anne was born on a beautiful,
golden summer's day in July.

The beloved daughter of Mike and Kathy Spivey
and the sister of Jay and Kevin,
her older brothers by seven and two years.

Leslie is and will forever be, the greatest gift
and treasure ever bestowed upon our lives.
Our Les is the most remarkable and admirable person
we ever had the pleasure to meet, let alone to
be entrusted to share in her life,
her joys, hopes  and her dreams.

Leslie, a beautiful golden child who loved to laugh,
spend time with her family and friends.
was diagnosed with Autism
when she was three years old.
She was considered cognitively challenged
and speech impaired,
yet, sweet little Leslie taught so much
and communicated volumes.

Leslie truly gifted our lives and the lives of those
whom she touched with
love, patience, care and understanding,
and sheer joy.

She brought infinite sunshine
into every path she crossed.

Her beautiful smile and melodic laughter
is forever etched upon our hearts.

Never have we ever been loved so much,
so completely and so unconditionally
as we were loved by Leslie.

Leslie left this earth on January 5, 2000,
a beautiful, golden, winter's day.

Oh precious Les, may you be granted
Peace, Love,
Joy and Happiness,
as these are the gifts
you bestowed upon this Earth.

We are forever honored to have been
entrusted with sharing a part of your life.

You will Always Be Our Leslie.
Our Daughter, Our Sister, Our Love.
Sleep Pretty Angel

Love Forever,
MeMe, Mike, Jay & Kev

Leslie Anne Spivey
July 19, 1984 ~ January 5, 2000
Pieces Of My Heart
My Leslie Anne
Happy Birthday Leslie
Rainbow Child
My Girls
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