The  Alley Cats
This is Amanda. She is my best friend. She has a BA in Art History and speaks Italian fluently.
She is super cool...she also has more make-up than I do ( Ha Ha).  
Boy does that sound shallow or what? Amanda is an amazing lady. She is smart, well read and has a heart of gold. I love her very much and miss her even more.
This is one of my other best friends Traacy, this is her with her hubby. They have been married just over a year.
She is going into hair dressing and makeup. She makes these really cool hairpieces and beaded necklaces.
This is another Tracy this one lives in Seattle. She is absoloutly one of the most incredible women I have ever met. She is intellegent and wonderful.  If you ever meet her you should ask her aobut her college expierence.. and her dog.
This is Nancy, she was my roomate and life saver in college.  She is back from her forray to Australia and is working in a vet clinic in southern Minnesota. Her fiance is in the military so their wedding is indefinately postponed as of 9/11
This is Jeff . I have something like two pictures of him and in both he is giving me the finger. There is a link to his photography page on the links page. He is a wonderful photographer you should go check it out.
I wish I had a better picture of him.
This is me and my 3 closest friends from College.  Clock wise from the upper left is Trish, Nancy( who is at the top of the page) , Beth and Me. We have since gone our separate ways since graduation .We are all CVTs in Minnesota. Trish is also a herdsman in Hector ,Minnesota.  Beth teaches at the college we went to and just had a baby! Nancy is in southern Minnesota working as a tech.
This is Sherrie in all of her armored glory.  You should see this woman bellydance! She is incredible.
She also has more cats than I do, I believe, that just proves she is a good woman.
I know that  no matter what I write about these guys I will get teased about  it. Teasing with them  is a show of affection...I think. From left to right they are Lars, Jeff, Kyle and Daron. They make up the Daughters of the Nile.
They are a wonderful  band and  even better people.
here to see and hear their live performance at Sabbathon in Salt Lake City in 1999.
Yes it's  a shameless plug for them. What can I say, I want famous friends.
They have their own website now.... if ya wanna go there click
Photo by Jeff Carlisle
This January(2001) Amy, Becky, Larissa and Dr. Evans (Kris) went to a veterinary conference in Florida.
One morning these 3 went to swim with manatees. Larissa (far right) hates this picture,  they didn't have a hair brush. They had just barely gotten out of the water when this was taken.
This is from the trip to Florida too. Larissa took the picture fromthe front seat of the taxi.
Don't they look happy? They never look like this at work...
From left to right there is Kris  (the boyfriend also  referred to as Dr Evans somewhere else on this site) Becky and Amy.
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