Page Too...
Here it is...
more stupid pictures of me...
Kinda looks like Screech huh?
At BVH we had our Christmas party in February. This is from the night. This was taken before I had to much wine. Those 2 beautiful women are Becky And Larissa, they still work there. I miss them
HAPPY HALLOWEEN. We couldn't wear costumes so I went out and got us ears at Target.. They are all cat ears except for Larissa hers are Zebra ears.
So Here we have Chad , Kelly Becky and Larissa and myself.
I went to the North Shore in November, it was beautiful but cold. This is me sitting the early morning with coffee over looking Lake Superior. It was very pretty.
Here is another picture of me cleaning teeth. I spend alot of time doing that. I hope to get pics at the new job one of these days.
This is Spike.  He was one of the cats that livedinthe cat colony when I ws in college. I wanted that cat so badly. But I had 4 and I thougt 5 was a bit excessive.
I was going to try to keep this chronological but I found this and didn't fee like re arrangeing everything. This is from Jr. High School. The calss went to a "ranch" in upstate new yourk. This was my horse for the weekend. He name is Candy she was 6 at the time. She was a very sweet horse. Aren't my yellow Rebocks  horrid?
Oh I am 13 years old in that picture.
I hated that coat.
God this is a bad picture...
Another night of to much booze and smoke in a dive bar.
Here I am at minutes old I think.
Very red and very small .
This is Mandy and I April of 2002.
This is after a stressfull night .
Relaxing at the bar..
Mmmm Gin and Tonics.
I wanna be an FBI Special Agent. Alas age and my degree are against me on that. We didn't get to go on the tour but my mom did  her best fo find a husband for me by yelling "Hey Agents, I have a single daughter down here"
like that wsn't embarrassing.
And it didn't get me any dates.
When I was 7 I got smacked in the eyelid by a cable hanging off a fence. I still have  lovely scar from it. This picture does't do the shiner justice.
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, Wuzzy?
I loved that bear.
This is 2001 at the Ren Fest in Shakopee. That is my former dog Saint. He had horns but refused to wear them.
He looked like Falcor from the Never Ending Story(sans the wings).
There was a photographer at The All The Pretty Horses show at The Gay 90's.. So Emily , Maxie and I took advantage.
Chains do not taste good.
I forgot about this night until I found the picture.I have no idea how old I am. Maybe 18?  The 2 girls in the picture with me are Jodi and Lilja, I have known them since I was in 4th grade.
I think we went to Manhatten that night.
Once again the former dog and I. This one is at my former place of business.
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