The House Cats( and Dog )
In memorial....
Shmoo was put to sleep on January 18th 2002. She was diagnosed with Lymphoma on January 1st. She was 17 years old and feisty to the end. I love you and miss you Old Lady
This is Shmoo. I found her when I lived in New York in a garbage room.
Let me correct that, She was in the garbage room, I did not live there. Someone apparently threw her away. She is loosing her mind and attacks herself while playing on occasion, but otherwise she is a battle axe!
In memorial....
Hamlet died on October 21st 2000. He was 12 years old.  I love him  very much and miss him very much. He was a good kitty.
This is Hamlet,  Hammie,  Ham, or Spam . I have had a few roomates that called him Big Eyes, this picture doesn't do the eyes justice but oh well.  I got him from a friend whose cat had kittens, the momma kitty put the baby in my lap, that was it, I had to have him.
This is Screech, yes he is sucking his thumb. He has ever since I got him. He is a 8 year old a DSH . I got him when he was 3 weeks old and had to bottle raise him. Apparently he thinks I am mom and never really got over the suckling thing. He also begs to be picked up. He got his name because he can't meow properly, he screeches.
Here we have Caliban. He is the 4th and final addition to the family. He is a 5 year old DLH. He is nuts, I took this picture after he climbed over my sholder to stand on the towel rack. He sings at 4:30 in the morning and is fascinated by laser pens or mirror reflections. His current favorite pasttime to to sing at the radiators and down the bathtub drain. I got him from an old boss of mine, he was his older brother's playtoy.
Dusty was euthanised on June 13th. He had a good long life and was a sweet boy. I wll miss his little sniffer.
This is Dusty, he is my 2 year old rat. He is called "blue"  because of his colour.It's a designer colour... whatever.  He is a sweet boy. I got him from one of the techs I work with. She had to get rid of him so I took him.  The cats are scared of him, go figure.
This is Atticus he is a 10 year old DSH, I adopted him from a local rescue group called Cause 4 Paws. He is declawed (boo -hiss) declawed. He is a sweet boy but a big chicken.  He was abandoned by his owner of 10 years. He is pretty afraid of the other 2 kitties but he is getting better.
No this isn't  a new addition to my family of cats. This is my mom's cat Vlad. I have no idea how old he is I'd venture to say 3 or 4 and a DSH. He is sitting inside of a Godiva Chocolate bag.
He was found of the street of Brooklyn and named after Vlad the Impaler because of the way in which he used to catch mice.
Pet Tips
Why you should spay or neuter your pet. A "fixed" pet is a happy and healthy pet.
Many problems can arise from leaving your pet intact.
Females are at a higher risk for mammary tumors and a condition known as a pyometra. This is when the uterus fills with pus. This is an emergenct situation and can be fatal. An intact female animal's chances of mammary cancer increases something like 10% to 30 %  per year they are intact.
Males are at a greatly incresed risk of prostate ( not "prostrate" that means "laying down") cancer and other problems, I have seen an infected, pus filled prostate it is not pleasant.  They also have a higher tendancy to be aggressive and mark inappropriately.
Need I even bring up the issue of unwanted puppies and kittens?
Even ferrets and rabbits should be spayed and neutered.
See the quote below.
"People who let thier dogs and cats have litters in order to show thier childern " the miracle of birth" should come witness"the miracle of death" performed in the back rooms of animal shelters all over the country"
-Phyllis Wright-
This is a link to the Rainbow Bridge site. It is a site where people can go to place a dedication to a lost pet. It's kind of sad so grab some Kleenex.
As a society we don't allow much for grieving a lost pet. This is a wonderful place to find  support and understanding.
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